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"Let's play a game," Katherine suggested as she turned her body toward Harry as they lay in bed that evening

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"Let's play a game," Katherine suggested as she turned her body toward Harry as they lay in bed that evening.

"A game?" He questioned, looking at her with furrowed eyebrows.

"Yeah. You tell me something about yourself that I don't know and then I'll tell you something about myself that you don't know," she explained.

Harry watched her as a smirk turned up his lips. A game, huh? He didn't play games, but he was realizing that he would do just about anything for Katherine.

"You want me to tell you something about myself that you don't know?" He questioned, cocking an eyebrow as his smirk grew.

"Mm-hmm," she hummed in agreement.

"Okay. How about... I haven't played games since I was a kid," he answered her, causing her eyebrows to knit together in unease. That definitely wasn't the reaction he was looking for.

"Harry..." She said quietly.

He couldn't tell if she was sad for him or disappointed with his answer. Maybe she was looking for something a little deeper.

"The more you tell me about your childhood, the sadder I get."

Sad. She felt sad. He didn't want that.

"No, mon ange. This is why I don't like sharing," he sighed, shaking his head.

"No, Harry, I want to know. I want to know you. That's the whole point of this. I want to know you and I want you to know me. I want us to share our lives together," Katherine explained, sounding a bit desperate.

"Okay, angel, tell me something about yourself," Harry offered, making sure to put a smile on his face for her. He appreciated her so much in that moment.

It took him by surprise when she let out a giggle and smiled back at him.


"I don't know. I'm trying to think of something," she told him as she giggled again. Harry breathed out a laugh, finding her so amusing.

"This was your idea, angel," he pointed out, smiling facetiously at her.

"I know, I know. Um, okay... I don't like peas," she told him, which caused him to laugh out loud.

"Some deep, personal information. I like it," Harry teased.

"Well, I don't know," she laughed, blushing bashfully, "Your turn. Tell me something."


"Yes, again."

"Hm... I have an allergy to peaches," he revealed.

"What?" She asked, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion.

"My throat starts to swell if I eat them. Not so much that I go into anaphylaxis, but enough to where it begins to get a little difficult breathing," he explained.

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