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08.21.2023 — This is a chapter in a SIX part update, along with chapters 73, 75, 76, 77 & 78. Make sure to read chapter 73 first!

 Make sure to read chapter 73 first!

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When the exhaustion crept into every muscle and every crevice of her mind from dancing, Katherine suggested they go back to the table for another drink.

They hadn't even been seated for more than a minute in their booth when a woman wearing a barely-there sparkly halter top and mini-skirt walked toward them with her lecherous gaze trained straight on Harry.

"Hi, Mr. Styles," the woman said suggestively as she sauntered by, her hips swaying provocatively to catch his attention, "Great to see you here again, baby."

Katherine's teeth gritted together as the woman called him 'baby' and she watched as her finger skated sensually across Harry's arm as she passed. It made her stomach feel instantly sour. The only thing that made her feel even an inkling of relief was the look of absolute displeasure on Harry's face.

"A friend of yours?" Katherine questioned with a cock of her eyebrow.

"A regular," he said simply.

"A regular at the club or in your bed?" She asked and immediately regretted it.

"Katherine," he growled through his teeth, his eyes narrowing instantly.

"Don't answer that," she said as she closed her eyes and shook her head. She didn't want to sully the amazing night they were having.

"I need to use the bathroom," she told him once she opened her eyes again.

When she made a move to scoot out of the booth, he gripped onto her wrist, saying her name again.

"It's okay, Harry. Neither one of us is a saint," she breathed, leaning in to press a kiss to his lips before breathing, "I love you."

Harry's grip loosened and she was able to slip out of the booth before making her way to the bathroom to freshen up. When she walked in, it was nearly full with women checking their makeup, washing their hands or just talking to one another in gossipy chatter. Luckily, Katherine was able to find an empty stall and locked herself inside.

"I heard Harry Styles is here tonight," Katherine heard one of the women in the bathroom say.

"What? No way."

"Mm-hmm. It's been a while. But he's here."

"Tonight just got interesting," the second woman giggled.

Katherine's anxiety was back, but she tried to wash it away as she did a bit of deep breathing and mindful thinking. She was with Harry. Harry was with her. They were together. They were committed to one another. She had absolutely nothing to worry about.

When she made her way out of the stall, she found only one woman standing in front of the mirror, reapplying her makeup. She hadn't heard the other women leave, but she was glad they had. She washed her hands and walked out of the bathroom with confidence, ready to continue the great night with her boyfriend.

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