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When Katherine finally woke up, she was alone in their bed, wondering where Harry had gone off to

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When Katherine finally woke up, she was alone in their bed, wondering where Harry had gone off to. She slipped out of bed, shivering slightly from the winter chill in the air as she made her way to the closet, wrapping herself in her warmest robe.

When she walked back into the bedroom, she noticed out the window that it was snowing. It instantly brought a smile to her face. On most days, she loathed the winter weather, but it hit completely different on Christmas.

Katherine found Harry in the kitchen, making breakfast. It was quite a pleasant surprise. He wore his pajama bottoms and one of her oversized hooded sweatshirts with the classic Adidas logo on it. She smiled to herself, really appreciating the fact that he felt comfortable enough to wear it.

She had never seen him in a hoodie in all the time that she knew him, so it was almost baffling to her. But of course he looked good in it. Though, she was sure he would look good in something as simple as a burlap sack.

"Good morning, mon amour," Katherine greeted him, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek.

"Mon ange, Happy Christmas!" He exclaimed cheerfully, spinning toward her before leaving a chaste kiss on her lips.

The smile on his face was almost magical and she couldn't help the massive smile that formed on her face to match it. She was so happy he was no longer the closed-off, brooding man he once was. He was a happy little Christmas elf making the two of them breakfast.

"Are you hungry?" He asked before kissing her again.

"I could eat," she replied, smiling into another kiss.

"Pancakes for two, mon ange," he offered as he shut off the stove and grabbed the two plates that were on the counter.

"Oh, he cooks!" She gushed playfully and he chuckled under his breath as he brought their plates to the center island where he already had place settings for both of them with water and orange juice. Along with a bottle of champagne.

"Mimosas?" She questioned as she picked up the bottle of champagne, checking out the label.

"If you so choose to indulge," he commented.

"Oh, look. It's in French," she teased, smiling over at him.

"It's the only labels I can comprehend, mon ange," he joked, sending her a facetious smile, causing her to laugh out loud.

"You know, I think I might indulge a little on this magical Christmas morning," Katherine decided as she began to peel back the foil on the top of the bottle.

"Magical, huh?" Harry questioned, smirking over at her as he grabbed the corkscrew off the counter and she handed the bottle to him.

"Well, I mean, it's got to be magical if it's got you wearing a hoodie and making breakfast with a smile on your face," she countered, causing him to laugh out loud.

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