Stalker much...

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Jeff tore at the packet of his Sixth chocolate bunny that day and Trinket burst into laughter. "Eat too much of that and you'll get fat," His teasing earned him a hearty slap on the back and his laughter rose in volume. Jeff muttered some indecent words under his breath and Trinket shut his mouth, watching as a piece of paper fell into his lap. The girl whose name he didn't know looked happy in this picture too, but her hair was a different colour.

"This is the same girl as the other day right, our victim for easter?" Jeff nodded quickly and took a huge bite from the bunny. Trinket bit his tongue and looked at the rest of the papers on the table. There was writing scribbled on each page, adresses, dates, names and pictures. "Jeff are you some sort of stalker or something?" Trinket looked up at him with sparkly eyes and Jeff did his best to stop from coughing his chocolate back up.

He blushed slightly but chose it was better to take another bite of chocolate then to reply to the young man. Trinket stood quietly and took the bunny away and placed it on a bench away from Jeff, earning himself alot of muttered objections. Jeff rose to follow the chocolate but he was stopped by a firm hand on his chest. 

Electricity shot through his body at the contact and he held back any unwanted or embarrasing noises. He heard Trinket grunt and he blushed. "No more chocolate for you, It will make you sick," Jeff pouted and gave Trinket a childish grin. "If I get sick I can just get you to look after me," 

Trinkets face morphed into an amused grin then lent in really close to Jeff's ear. "If you keep flirting like that then chocolate may not be the only new thing I introduce to you," He then gave Jeff's butt a quick pat then walked off. 

Jeff stood there his mouth agape and a light blush to his cheeks. He had an Idea of what Trinket meant but was not gonna push it further. He then looked to his table of papers and picked up a small picture. It was one of Trinket, back when his name was Thomas; He was with some school friends laughing at something one of them had said. 

Trinket looked so happy and it made Jeff's heart ache to know that he hadn't smiled like that since the pair had met. It was like he had taken away the Youths happiness to fill a void in his own heart. He felt selfish and he reached for another picture. 

This one was of Trinket and his family. He was standing there a horrific look in his eyes as he Yelled at his mother. His father was in the back round a large bat in his hands, Jeff knew that the boys family was broken but it didn't hit home till he had witnessed this family event. 

Jeff remembered this night; Trinkets brother Ben had come out to his parents as being openly gay and they tried to chase him out. Trinket had fought with them till the end, crying when he watched his brother run out the house with a bag and bleeding profusely. He had yelled and screamed and even knocked his father out.

However in the end it was all in vain, Jeff had known this boy was important; But who would have thought he would take in the boy and start to bond as he had. Jeff was starting to have feelings so unknown to him that even though they scared him. They also made him feel whole. 

Warm arms slinked over Jeff's shoulder and he rested into the embrace. A soft sob left his lips and shock overwhelmed him. "Don't cry, please don't cry it's okay," Trinkets pleading made Jeff cry even more and he truned in Trinkets arms. 

"I'm sorry," Jeff sobbed over and over into Trinkets chest, not calming even with the gentle strokes and soothing shooshes. His sobs were loud and he couldn't stop them no matter how much he wanted to. 

He never knew that feelings so deep could develope, and he'd only known Trinket for a little while. He liked Trinket as in more than like liked Trinket. He hated that His parents had treated him so poorly and he just wanted to make it all better. 

How could Jeff a cold blooded murderer have these types of feelings, these deep emotions. Trinket held onto to Jeff still not overly confident about what was making Jeff cry but not caring for in that moment he knew that it wasn't what that he had to worry about but how to fix it. 

"Jeff please settle down, I'm okay, Your okay, We're both fine; happy, please Hun," He placed a kiss to Jeffs forehead and kept saying words of comfort, hope and love. Jeffs body stopped shaking and his sobs calmed.

"Trinket," Jeff looked into the younger boys eyes, and took a deep breath.

He saw him nod then continued;

"I think I like like you,"

Trinket smiled and kissed Jeff softly 

"Me too, I like like you,"


Yay! Happy Easter guys! So here is the next chapter, so cute. i love when Jeff thinks so moe~~~

Hehe. So yeah i made him get emotional poor baby; So I love Jeff and Trinket, maybe I should make a ship name for them. (If you guys have any ideas you are welcome to write it. :P). OMG the ideas in my head for the next chapter *faints in excitement* so no not a bad(Cough cough) scene though. more like things these two lovely's can do and see, places to go. I hope you guys loved it! And my goal is 10 reads or over, but if I get to nine i will mostly likely write it anyway hehe. 

So yeah as always!


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