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The nurse wheeled a clean laundry trolley into the room and rested it by the foot of the patients bed.

She whispered an okay before walking out and closing the door. Leaving three heads to pop up and peer at the boy hooked to life monitors and an IV drip.

One of them lent forward to peer, teary eyed at the clipboard with his vitals and diagnosis.

Patient: Thomas (unknown)
Age: 16 - 18
Accident: Car accident
Diagnosis: Memory loss and fractured elbow along with other small injuries

24 hour watch
low sedatives

Gentle fingers took the clipboard from the man and placed it back. There was no use in mulling over an issue they couldn't fix anymore.

The man was the first to climb from the cart to step to Thomas's side. He was the first to clutch his hand, to cry. The girl followed him and rested a hand to his shoulder, murmuring comforting words into his ear. She massaged his shoulders and tried even harder to calm him down.

The boy who was left in the cart stared at the sight before him. It was his fault, all his fault. If he had never been so stupid, so desperate and dumb.

"At least he is only going to forget. He may have died if he stayed with me," the boy closed his eyes and shook his head. That didn't help him at all. The girl leaned towards Thomas and kissed his forehead.

"I'll have to see you at school hun, my Father is probably worried sick by now," the man laughed dryly pulling the limp body I for a tight hug. The hand that lay open palmed balled into a fist. But the eyes stayed closed, he had to hear these strange people. They sounded so close to him.

"I wish I could have loved you more Thomas... I wish I could have saved you," the mans hand brushed through his hair, before he kissed the patients hair and set him down again.

The girl began to stack a few presents onto the table next to his bed. A teddy from her, flowers from the motel, and a letter from the man. She placed a photo down too, just a plain photo of Jeff, nothing special but perhaps it would help him to remember.

The man took the clipboard and wrote a few more answers onto the lines, then placed a little blue wrapper at the top with the pen. He put the clipboard on the table too. He and the girl kissed Thomas once more, gently on each cheek before clambering back into the trolley for the nurse to walk in and bring them out again.

Thomas waited for them to leave before opening his eyes. The room was bright, it kind of hurt. He blinked till the room stopped spinning, then looked at the table with their stuff.

The teddy was a patchwork design and had a small heart with his name in the middle. It was cute. The flowers too were nothing too sprucy but they were a kind gesture and smelled nice.

The photo made his head hurt and the little name in the corner confused him. 'Jeff' the mans lips were cut at the side, his skin pale and clothing grey. His heart gave a throb.

He grabbed the letter and peered at the few words.

'Our time was short but amazing. I love you for what we had, I hope you recover from your injuries.

Love Jeff'

He laughed at the simplicity, this perhaps being that mans first written letter to a loved one.

He placed the letter to his pillow, he wanted to admire the writing a little bit more later. It was such a beautiful style.

Last was the clipboard, a few of the answers were written in that same handwriting with pencil. Neatly on the lines.

Only small things were written in, like his nickname, relationship, town of birth.

Nickname: Trinket
Relationship: (Ex?) Boyfriend Jeff K
TOB: **********

Thomas felt his heart give another weak throb. He laid back and remembered that warm embrace, that man who had held him like the love of his life.

Why could he not remember who that man was? He wanted to remember what they had.

A nurse came in with a tray of food and took the clipboard out of his hands.

"We need you to eat Thomas, then we have some things we will have to go through with you," Thomas was given a fork and started to pick slowly at the meal. It was a simple dish of Chicken and vegetables plus it didn't taste all that great so he wasn't in any hurry to scoff it down. The nurse played with fixing up the room, though it wasn't dirty she still moved things and even placed Thomas's gifts on the far wall so that they could be out of the way but admired.

He got halfway before deciding that he couldn't eat anymore. So he pushed it away and let the nurse call in the people who were going to question him.

Two officers walked in, each rather young looking and even a little excited.

"Hi young sir, we would like to know of you can tell us anything about your accident, maybe your drivers name," Thomas said the little he knew but his words drifted off as he stared out the window with a blank expression.

The Officers tried to click him to attention but his stare was steadfast outside.

He could see a man in the tree. A man in a grey Hoodie like the picture. Those eyes met with his own, and he couldn't leave. They were filled with love, regret... An other more painful emotions.

"Jeff............." Thomas' voice cracked as he uttered that name, a tear slipped down his cheek but he didn't break the stare. His voice couldn't be heard from out the window so he decided to try and get up. He had a pull to the stranger, the man named Jeff.

He pulled the covers off and both Officers sat stunned as he stumbled to his feet and fell.

"Please sir, get back I the bed," he shook them off and held his IV, medical bag or what ever the clear liquid bag was to the window with him, using it as a support.
He leaned on the sill and let his eyes grow when he saw the mans smile.

"Jeff!" He reached a hand forward, reaching for the man that his heart ached for. Tears slipped from his eyes as the man dashed away, as the officers dragged him back, and as the sedatives kicked in and threw him into a forced slumber.


And that, my friends is the final chapter of Jeff's New Trinket. This is where the adventure and the love draws to an end.

I really hope that you have all enjoyed this story! Please do comment if there is any questions or PM me, I do understand my writing is confusing and that I sometimes use an example that is hard to get unless your me~

I've loved writing this story, and as its the first I'll ever of finished I feel sad to watch it end! Its amazing to me. He has an entire life ahead of him.

Thank you for reading my Story 'Jeff's New Trinket' as an Author I have appreciated all the support during this process and hope you do join me in due time for the rewrite.

This is an official thanks from StripeySparrow to everyone who has read my story, whether from chapter one to the end or only part way through. I love and thank you all

And please, always remember to


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