Big bird in a small cage~

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(A/N) For a little while I am going to work on chapters in pairs... the way this will work is I will write a chapter following Jeff and Trinket and Then another following Rhianna, Jack and Slender man. I will leave a small (Rhianna) at the start of each chapter aimed at her where-abouts - If I remember :P


The air surrounding Rhianna was stiff and dry, making it near to impossible for her to lose the cracked feeling in the back of her throat. She shifted from within her binds to try and find a more comfortable position and sighed in relief when she could feel her fingers become a little less numb. 

There was a blindfold over her eyes and she swore lightly. She could smell cigarette smoke and rich alcohol all around her and she found it difficult to breath properly. Laughter filled her ears and with what feeling she had regained in her hands brought her the knowledge that she was in a cage, a not so big cage at that. 

She tried to scream, but all that came from her where chirps; she was like an injured bird that could no longer fly.

"Looks like our precious puppy has woken up... Her master asked us not to let her run a muck while he does some work but he wouldn't mind would he?" Rhianna cringed at the man's drunken drool and let out a raspy scream once more as a hand touched her ankle. 

She didn't want them to do anything to her, not at all.

A door slammed somewhere close to her and a cold wind made the people around her stir. Their feet pounded loud against the floor as they shuffled away from her prison. She heard the man who was talking of violating her begin to stutter for words.

"Th...Thought you wouldn't be .... back for another few days?" He sounded petrified from the sight of her so called 'master' and she shivered at the thought. She was no masochist and was definitely not gonna be one to play S&M in the bedroom. Even if the guy ends up being hot.

A slow and soft chuckle reverberated around the room and all shuffling stopped. Rhianna knew that chuckle and the sound of those soft, black leather dress shoes walking along the carpet. Her master was non other than Laughing Jack; she would not be able to say why but it was like a slap in the face as all her memories from the last time she was awake made her scream. 

Her scream this time was loud, it was pained and scared. It was the scream of someone who couldn't see anything but darkness and knew that her life was not in safe hands. She couldn't stop herself once she started, she just kept screaming even though it tore at her throat and made it even harder to breath she just continued to scream.

She heard grunts and thuds from in front of her and it just increased the volumes of her screams. A metallic tasting liquid landed in her mouth whilst she screamed and she felt tears race down her cheeks. She never in her wildest dreams thought that she would react like this to a murder in front of her considering how dark she could be, but hearing them fall, tasting their blood... It was more real than anything she had ever known. 

She heard a final thud then an amount of silence and proceeded to slow her screams to mere whimpers. Rhianna rocked back and forth as an attempt to stop her fear from clouding her thoughts; and she most obviously failed. Her lips trembled and she heard two sets of foot steps approach her, she placed a hand to the bars and felt warm fingers wrap around her wrist.

They where eerily sticky and she hated the feel of it on her arms, dirty hands and feet where something she for some reason couldn't stand. 

"Child, your safe... sorry for startling you like that Princess," Rhianna stayed silent and just nodded with her blind eyes drying slowly, warm lips pressed against her hand and she felt her trembling lips calm.  

The sound of a lock clicking off and a small cage door opening came from Rhianna's right and she shied away towards the other end. Sadly though the space she was in was small and cold fingers enveloped around her other wrist and pulled her from her imprisonment. With a cold hand on one side and a warm one on the other Rhianna was led forwards and into what seemed to be another room as the sounds their shoes made began to change. 

The warm fingers released her and seconds later a car door slid open and she was thrown forward, She was caught by Jack and was pulled flush to his chest inside the vehicle. Once more she could feel the sticky substance she believed to be blood covering her from head to toe from rubbing up against him. She let out a rugged sigh and pushed herself off of him.

"water..." Her voice was low as she uttered this single word but it seemed to be heard loud and clear as the lips to a bottle was placed at her mouth and she allowed Jack to pour water onto her greedy tongue. Water splashed over her clothes and she felt some of the stick wash out. 

She nodded her head in appreciation and was pushed to the floor. She could feel bars at the edges of her toes and realised she was in yet another cage... She let out a low sigh and curled up. This was going to be a long trip; She heard the door screech closed then felt those same gentle warm fingers removing her binds.

"You'll have to stay like this for a little while; We can't let you see some of these people... They are a bit too, different," Rhianna just kept her head down and let her shoulders slump as Jack let out a frustrated sigh and stomped away. 

It was so scary being in this state, and she prayed against all she knew that Trinket and Jeff would come and help her; She loved Creepy Pasta's but she most definitely did not wanna be another of their victims... 


:P Not much to say today I guess, but I hope you guys end up enjoying Rhianna's rendezvous and I will make sure to get snappy with that next chap on Jeff and trinket ;) Love all my readers out there and ~~


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