Blue eye's

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Rhianna sat her hands tied firmly behind her and a pretty polka dot tie wrapped around her eyes. People around her were laughing loud and obnoxiously, ignoring the fact that she sat there stinking up the room and struggling to breath over her own stench. 

She was getting to her last strands of patience, she had stayed in darkness for a week by now and the binds had more than probably made her poor hands turn blue. She bit her lips lightly as she began to work at the knot that held her hands bound.

The people caring for her today were rather lax with her bindings and she knew that they hadn't done it nearly as well as they should have. Jack had told her that no one would try to harm her like that group on the first night, apparently word in these parts traveled fast because overnight everyone had heard of the mass murder that was committed. 

Rhianna was used to the murders that Jack would commit every time a single one of her guardians got out of line and it was most of the reason why she was covered in dry blood all over and stunk horribly. 

She finally felt her binds loosen and celebrated to herself, quickly ripping the cloth from her eyes to look around the room. Bright and colorful lights blinded her momentarily and she squeaked in shock. When she opened her eyes again she noticed how no one around was watching her and she started to advance towards the back door. 

She was halfway across the room and her heart started to race in excitement. Maybe she could make it out of here! She went to reach for the door knob half a heartbeat later but jumped back as pale blue fingers wrapped around her wrist. 

"Missy I must ask you to get back to your seat and put on the blindfold once more," Rhianna felt the lady gently tug and she whirled around to confront her, holding back a scream as she saw the big black frown what was etched to the lady lips, her eyes with similar black line like tears running down her cheeks. Rhianna took a moment to compose her heart before turning a glare at the woman.

"I wish to be allowed to at least shower!" The ladies metallic blue eyes softened ever so slightly when Rhianna bristled in fright. 

"Come child, A soothing Rose bath is what you shall have... please follow me child," Rhianna took a tentative step forward and followed the lady towards the bathroom. Rhianna was curious as to why the woman's body and eyes were such striking blue's but didn't bother asking in fear of losing her life. 

The lady started to fill the bath tub and dumped a few drops of incense from a little bottle in her pocket. She flashed Rhianna a small smile before ushering her in, quickly removing the dirty bloodied clothes and getting her into the rich rose scented bath. Rhianna's muscles relaxed instantaneously at the waters warm embrace and let herself sigh in relief. 

The blue lady took Rhianna's dirty clothes and walked out of the room, closing the door lightly behind her as she left. Rhianna was left to play in the water on her own, she found it rather relaxing to finally get to soak and clean after seven days of blood shed and stench.

As Rhianna scrubbed some more incense into her skin she began to hear raised voices from outside the bathroom, causing her to sink lower into the bath's water. 

"Where is my Captive! Where did you put the girl!?" Rhianna could hear Jack throwing objects across the room and Rhianna flinched back as she heard the first scream...

Moments later there was another scream and the blue lady re-entered the ensuite, unnoticed by the now crazed psychotic in the other room.  

"Child you must dry and dress before he breaks in here... must hurry he be here in very few minutes," Rhianna heard the fear in the Woman's voice and reached forward for the pile of clothing in her hands, barely slipping a towel around herself before Jack burst into the room.

His eyes were red and Rhianna slid the bathing curtain around her and the clothing protectively. The blue woman stood close to her side, careful to stay hidden by the curtain as Jack peered around the room.

"What are you doing in here!? You are my Prisoner not a guest!" Rhianna flinched at the dead set glare in Jack's eyes and felt tears well up in her own. She clutched the towel tighter around her chest and let her head hang low. 

"She just helped me to smell more pleasant... It was horrible feeling and I smelt like a sewer. I don't even know why you took me," Rhianna let the tears slip from her eyes and Jack took a hard step forward. His hand shot out to grab her but the blue lady stood in front of him. 

"This girl is in the nude, allow her to dress. Turn around and silence yourself my guest," Rhianna turned an amazed look at the brave blue lady but quickly putting the clothes on as Jack turned all the way around his long black and white nose being lost to her sights. She was surprised at how well the clothes fit but was embarrassed to notice how short her skirt truly was.

Rhianna shot a fleeting glance at the lady who pulled a pair of tights out from under a her arms. 

"You look most beautiful now young Missy, You boy may now turn around again. Your girl looks most beautiful does she not?" Jack went to yell at the lady but stopped himself as he saw what The owner had put her in.

Rhianna had a short, flowing red sundress on with spiderweb tights going down to her ankles. A Heart shaped necklace filled with blood hung around her neck and black lipstick adorned her lips, a little dark grey eye shadow around the eyes are well.

Jack was taken aback by the change that she had undergone, my a mere few minutes ago he had walked in on her wrapped in only a towel did he not?

Rhianna shifted uncomfortably under his scrutiny and turned a glance into the full length mirror beside her, gasping as she noticed everything Jack had and more, Rhianna's hair was no longer tied in a bun near the top of her head, but instead hung low and out; flowing across her shoulders in gentle waves with white diamontes decorating it throughout and making her hair shine. 

The blue lady bowed low to the ground and let out a soft sigh. 

"Please enjoy your date Missy,"


Both Jack and Rhianna froze



And~ we have finished the next chapter whoop whoop, so late I wanna curl up and sleep for weeks on end. My Friend and I spent the whole day running around the city finding Obentou shops and playing in arcades *Sighs in content We also bought alot of really sweet organic chocolate and I finished the day with Popcorn and tea for dinner :P day could not have been any better~

Do you guys have fun weekends when with your friends? I know mine are always brighter and i probably feel even better because I allowed Jewel to have her fun teasing someone earlier making me feel so~ much better after what he has put me through, she scared the living daylights out of the boy. 

Love scaring people, haaa~ I forgot what the purpose of these are... :P

So~ Why did this lady say date I wonder~? and Why was Jack not informed of his own little date with his prisoner... hasn't he only had her for a week hmmm~

hehe so yeah this is the chapter that follows Rhianna and I am now signing off to go to sleep~! I hope you guys like it and i hope your proud that I made it till 2am to be able to finish it Thank goodness it's only sunday, wouldn't want to fail my English essay monday from writing an English story.... ehh~

Well Love all of you readers out there! And......


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