Get out!!

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"Wow so that dude in the car was Jeff, the famous Jeff?" Thomas nodded his head energetically and held his hands up in front of him. "It's awesome right!"

Kevin smiled broadly then pulled his friend into a hug. "I cannot believe it, that is just. Wow! Still it took you four lessons, two lunches and five minutes to talk about a month," Thomas laughed deeply at that. "Oh yeah Tom. I'm coming home with you this afternoon," Thomas froze and slowly looked up...

"excuse you?" Kevin grinned cheekily. "Why Excuse me? I said I'm coming over because I want to," Thomas sighed as he nodded. "I mean. Who invited you?" Kevin thought for a moment as understanding flashed in his eyes. "Me," Thomas exhaled once more, he understood that he was fighting a battle he'd never win. "If you can get to my house I'll applaud you," Kevin smiled in a smug way then jumped on a motor bike.

Thomas drew his brows together. "Bumbo you can't drive that thing," kevin just shrugged at him then revved it in reverse. He drove off lazily and left a confused Trinket behind.

Jeff drove in moments later, perplexed by the frown on Trinkets brow. "Are you getting in?" Trinket cleared his head then smiled up at his Boyfriend. "Course honey," He threw his bag in at his feet then jumped up, kissing Jeff's cheek gently in the process.

"So what did you do today Jeff?" Jeff smiled lightly as Trinket slipped on the seat belt. "Just a lil watching of your first victim; We missed our chance over Easter cause you couldn't hold your weapon. She has changed her name, hair colour and has become a part time accountant. We'll handle her in a few weeks. Other than that I had a good chat with her over lunch,"

Jeff was really antsy as he said this and Trinket gasped loudly. His eyes were wide with disbelief. The man who could hardly talk when he first met him, Approached her! "Are you alright Jeff, you aren't sick by any chance?" Jeff glanced at the boy and sighed lightly. "I'm not insane," "Than why'd you approach her!?"

Trinket was so confused and just didn't know what had gone through Jeff's head.

Jeff let out a sigh then revved the engine. The speed increased; the pair being driven faster and faster with each minute. Jeff wouldn't stop glancing at the rear view mirror and a fevered look crossed his features. They were being followed.

Jeff took a right and leaned towards the glove box; "There is a gun in here, take it in case. We are being chased!" Trinket fumbled for the gun and held it firmly; He clutched to the car door and did his best not to be thrown around.

Trinket looked out the window and saw the rider and his stomach dropped. Kevin was there riding on his bike a grin plastered on his lips. He was F*ing crazy.

"Jeff... It's my friend he wants to meet you so he is gonna try and follow us home,"

Jeff chuckled lightly. A twinkle in his eyes.

"Let the idiot try,"

Trinket let out a loud yelp as they drove straight into the woodlands the Truck bouncing under them. It was like a bunny being hunted by the wolf. Kevin's eyes never leaving his prey. Trinkets heart was beating like mad and Jeff had a terrified look in his eyes.

Jeff's new 'Trinket' (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now