Snap Up

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She was being carried, Rhianna could understand that. Why? Who knows.

Her eyes were so heavy... so tired. The person, a man, was so warm and comfortable. Light muscles and firm grip.

She snuggled closer out of instinct and heard him chuckle under his breath.

It was a sweet sound to hear, no one ever really chuckled or well... laughed around her because she was too weird.

She liked whoever this mystery man was, he was so nice~.

He smelt divine too, like vanilla bean and home brewed Vodka... Yum. Rhianna squirmed to place her nose into his chest to take one big breath, hearing him gasp as she must of brushed his ticklish spot.

She nuzzled his shoulder in a cat-like manner and enjoyed the fluff on his shirt rubbing against her face. A warm hand brushed the hair back from her face and she purred under her breath.

"Just like a cat..." He murmured under his breath and she made a tired snapping noise with her teeth in protest. He kissed her forehead gently and hummed.

"I know I know, it's rude to call a young lady kitten," She humphed in agreement and clasped her hands together against her chest. She wasn't in the least bit curious as to where they were headed and she probably wouldn't care in the foggiest come morning either.

She felt the wind wrap around her hair and lift it up, it must of whipped whoever was carrying her because as it flew he gave out a shocked yelp and flinched with her in his arms. She giggled at him patting his chest in mock support.

"I'm sure your fine 'lil Puppy," He shook her a little before setting her to rest on a hard, cold surface... a car floor.

"You have a weird fetish my love, your obsessed with the animals adorable appeal," Rhianna flailed herself around as she tried to open her eyes, only to realise they had been open the entire time... She was blindfolded again!

"Jack! I thought you trusted me... Why do I have this blindfold on again? Jack? Where are we going Jack? Hello!?" Rhianna kept flailing, it was scary that he wasn't replying anymore, what happened?

"Jack..." He hung his head in shame till he remembered what Slender had said.

She had given them away, she had been snooping around and had found a phone to call Jeff to come save her! She had been lying all along! Jack felt cheated so he was gonna leave her in the dark, alone.

"Just you wait till your little Trinket comes to save you... I'm gonna string his neck for you to watch," Jack flung the door shut and turned to get in the passenger side. Slender gave him that same old blank, disapproving glance. That was a little much.

Rhianna was in the back, her hands slowly reaching up to her face to remove the blindfold. There had been such venom in his voice, he had been so mad at her. A tear, one she didn't understand flowed down her cheek along with the pain.

He was such a confusing man, one minute he's cuddling her like a cute little kitten then next he's thrown her in a car and told her she was bad. It was like she had destroyed his favorite pair of boots or something.

Trinket seemed to linger on her mind, Thomas couldn't be that far away if Jack had appeared so threatened by him... But why would Jack want to string his neck? He hadn't done anything wrong as of yet.

Rhianna was stuck in the dark, no idea what to do or say. The car bumped along the graveled road and she flew with each pothole they took.

It was as if she was being punished by the pair of them! what stubborn shites they were being!

She just wanted to go home... It was a little fun the other day but now she was sad again.

School holidays had just begun and she hadn't visited a single friend yet! She missed her dad and sister too, their little four bedroom home, her most beloved white German Shepherd... What more could she ask for in her perfect little family, they helped her through what they could and she loved them.

Rhianna curled her legs up and under her chin, this time she didn't stop the little tear that traveled down her cheek taking a little pain with it, she didn't stop it's buddies either. Soon snot was all over her knees and her cheeks raw from all the salt water tears.

But she wasn't done, she felt as if they had been on the road for months, as if she had missed it all... From Christmas, New Years, the school terms start and the first tests. Little did she know...

It was all true, they had been on the road for months, and her Dad was still looking, trying to find his baby girl with a smile that lit up a room and whose laugh would make birds play.

She was still missing for them

Rhianna wasn't the only one in pain...

Rhianna was still someones baby to be found


!-! I nearly forgot that she had a family back home

They probs think she ran away because of the nasty lady... I wouldn't blame her but for such a sweet pea~

I love Rhianna she is everything i wish I was, Kind, excepting and resistant. Less Aggressive too, haha. That's what characters are though, the people we wish we were~

*sighs while staring at the stars*

gotta love dreams

~"A dream is a wish your heart makes"~ Random Cinderella song haha~

But those words are so true, your dreams and aspirations are wishes made straight from the heart. Follow them, you'll discover things you never knew would bring you happiness.


Okay so I'm officially even more weird haha, love you awesome people and have a lovely rest, Enjoy your work, school and University~ Get excited for Christmas and have a good time!

P.S- Would anyone read a story based on Jack and Rhianna? As like a sorta off ward sequel but totally not? ~ Just an idea in my head, Nevermind~ just think over it for a while

Love you guys~


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