Package for Jeff

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They pulled up at the Motel and were greeted by Kevin at the front door, it was already late evening and Jeff sighed as he figured they would have to visit his pharmacist tomorrow.

Rhianna hugged Kevin and he whispered apologies into her ear. They withdrew with smiles and a few shed tears but the relationship between them seemed OK.

"Kevin you look terrible, can you even go home like this?" She caressed his cheeks and looked at the hollow lines and obvious grey. He shrugged but didn't get a chance to respond because two arms slung over either of his shoulders. There was two boys attached standing only a head taller then him.

"He is staying with us,"
"You can't take him,"
They spoke one after the other and glared slightly at a giggling Rhianna. Kevin seemed upset and began wrestling them off him but they just dodged him or tapped his head.

"So cute," Rhianna danced in the spot and twinkled her fingers a the Trio. The boys Mother heard the fuss and walked in, swinging a rolling pin at them and shooing them away.

"You could've saved me Rhi," she pursed her lips then shrugged.

"I could've helped them too," she giggled at him with her tongue out and pulled his arms past the front doors to where Jeff was talking in a hushed voice with a man.

He smiled at the pair and waved goodbye before turning his full body and attention to them.

"We leave for the town in the morning, other than that I think you should get some Shuteye now," Rhianna groaned but let herself be led away nevertheless. Kevin wandering to his room whilst Jeff and Trinket stood in silence for a moment more.

"What are you getting tomorrow?" Trinket led Jeff by the hand to their room and laid them down to bed. They could shower come morning. Jeff made wish washy signs with his hands then sighed.

"Just stuff I need to heal Rhianna, she looked ghosted," Trinket raised a brow but didn't ask for an elaboration. He could ask when she got treatment. The pair smiled to each other with whispered nights before falling asleep. It was still late evening but with such a quick day and a sturdy one lined for tomorrow they wanted all the rest they could get.

------;--;---------- (huh? My phone let me misclick haha) -------(next day time skip thingy mabob---------

Rhianna jumped into the back and tackled Kevin playfully. She was like a puppy being added to a car full of old dogs. Her light essence bringing a warmth to their once cold gazes. Jeff threw a crumpled paper at her and pointed Trinket to restrain her.

She giggled crazily and started to sing gleefully. She felt like she was on cloud nine, her heart ecstatic to be free.

"Off to visit Mr pill man! Yes we are, yes we are. The man with all the pills!" Kevin shoved the paper into her mouth and her muffled singing leaked through. She shook her head at him and didn't bother to spit it out as she attempted to sing in tune.

"Is this what you meant Jeff. Is this what went wrong," He glanced at Trinket and noticed his intelligent eyes scanning her face. The slightly unusual pupils, the heavily drooling mouth were all side effects of being within the barrier under high stress.

"She will be okay...... As long as we treat her soon," Trinket nodded but his concerned eyes still followed her. She was usually hyper, and sporadic but this current her was borderline crazy, never a sane moment from the seems of it.

Jeff pulled by an old decaying building and gestured they wait while he went in. Trinket didn't protest as he noticed an old man in the doorway holding a package.

Jeff grabbed it and glanced at the label before tipping his head, signing a form and walking back. Trinket noticed a sign that said post office and he gasped in horror. His local post never looked that bad.

Trinket caught the package as Jeff threw it fro the door. He got in and buckled up. Rhianna made a soft whining noise from the back of her throat and the trio looked back to see her eyes watering.

"Now we get those meds," he rushed them back to the road and didn't stop again till they hit the town and were confronted by a red light. Trinket inspected the package, turning it this way and that while trying to figure out exactly what was inside.

"Its a distorter. It should hopefully hide where we are, once I get it on," Trinket was pleasantly surprised to hear that. One less problem to think about after all.

Jeff stopped again at another old building and followed a similar pattern to before. He came back with a tiny bag this time, and immediately pulled out a needle. He gestured for Kevin to pin her down and stuck it straight into her arm. Her eyes widened in shock then blanked.

"Is she dead? What the hell Jeff!?" Kevin laid her limp body down and searched her eyes.

"No, her body is recovering. Its got some tissue and cells to rebuild," he nonchalantly threw the needle back into the bag, seemingly still half full and looked up to unexpectedly meet the gaze of a man in another car. A man whose gaze he had definitely not wanted to meet.

Jack glared from across the parking lot, the little cat and slender with him. How had he forgotten the cat? The weird damn cat.

Jack revved his engine just as Jeff spun his tires and sped off. Giving the other two little to no warning as he furiously drove them down the empty road.

Trinket glanced back to see to see the fright and hurriedly pushed Rhianna back as they took a sudden halt then split right. She had gone literal rag doll back there!

Kevin took a weak yet firm hold of her and let Trinket look forward in time to notice them entering a parking lot, going up.


Ooohhh would anyone be sad if I said there is only about two chapters left?? I'm excited!!!! These two are etched in my brain, I've waited years for this moment! Omg... I have been writing this for 2 Years now, this will be my first finished book! I'm so happy!

I hope you are liking, enjoy my danky car chase please!!

Love you all and please remember to



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