Chapter XLIII - Snows, Restaurant, and You

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I can't do this.

Wonyoung murmured to herself.

Yujin is a ruler, and yet she's in denial to have dinner with his majestic or not.

But it's already getting late, she got no choice but to dress up elegantly the way she wants, she's having dinner with the King after all.

And before getting down the stairs, she goes to the older's room.

Wonyoung knocks before entering, "Unnie?"

"Come in!"

The intern stepped inside the room, while Gyuri eyed the younger's clothing.


"What's up?" Gyuri chuckled, "Why you dress fancy huh, you're having a consultation with Yu—the King remember?"

"I know." The younger answered.

"Well, what's all of this? Don't tell me you got a date with Sunghoon."

"No!" Wonyoung quickly defend.

"As long as I remember, you don't have plans this evening."

"I'm meeting the King, unnie."

Gyuri slyly teased the intern, "Ey, are you trying to impress his majestic?"

"What the heck are you talking about?"

"Sure, whatever you say." Gyuri chuckled.

"Hey, but what is that?" Gyuri confusingly asked, "Uhm...why are you meeting the King, and like—seriously this evening?"

"I—uhm the King invite me for a dinner, and I'm no one to decline you know?"


Gyuri didn't ask how and why or whatever is happening between them, but she knows the young ruler is making a move.

Silence then envelope the older's room, Wonyoung has something to say but keep her mouth shut.

However, the latter seems to know she's bothered and try to ask about it, "Do you have something to say?"

Wonyoung look up, "Huh?"

"I said, do you have something to say?" She repeated.

"I," She started and glance over her sister, "there is something that keeps bothering me."

"...Okay? Continue, I'm all ears."

"It's all about the King."

Gyuri expected it.

And she's right, "Go on..."

"There is something about him, unnie."

"Something what, Wonyoungie?"

"His eyes, his voice, his touch—"

"What?!" The older suddenly exclaimed.

"What what?" Wonyoung furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

Gyuri just went agape, "What do you mean his touch? Oh my nævis, don't tell me you did it with the King!"

"Did what?"

"Don't play innocent!"

Wonyoung rolled her eyes, "You know what you're not helping", she shakes her head looking at her wristwatch, "and I need to go already."

Gyuri was left dumbfounded, "But she said his touch..?"

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