Chapter XLV - I Wish You Were Sober

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He wanted, so much. Yujin wanted to visit the Jang's this can be his chance to know about Jinhye.

But Yujin knows he can’t.

He can't face them, yet. Ashamed, that's what he is by just thinking of facing Wonyoung's parents.

It's already eleven in the evening, midnight is approaching.

Yujin glanced from the mirror to check the younger, despite the snowy and slippery road, he speed up for the sake of the younger and he know he was currently beaking the law.

He already made up his mind.

Bring Wonyoung home to the Jang's.

He doesn't want to bring the unconscious woman to his mansion, she will surely be weird out once she wakes up.

Then he made it.

He made it to the heavy damn traffic.

"Fuck it." Yujin curse in annoyance, he once promised the younger not to say any brutal words, but he can't help it.

Looking at the mirror, the younger is still unconscious, Yujin wanted to punch himself.

"I'm sorry baby, I need to bring you home."

He made a U-turn easily as he was the last one from the traffic and knows the next step.

Bring her home, to her second home, his mansion.

Yujin remembers the old but safe shortcut way to his mansion, which currently they're near.

Here goes nothing Yujin, Wonyoung needs you right now just don't do any stupid stuff.

And he did it. They've reached the once they lived together mansion.

Yujin immediately turns off the engine and goes to the back seat and carry the younger gently.

"Wukfj-Yujin." She babble and groaned afterwards.

The young ruler gasp, "What the hell, you're drunk."

He could vividly tell why she catch a cold, first, it was because of the weather and second after talking to Yuna the doctor drank the whole glass of wine which clearly states her right now.

Yujin rushed the younger to her old room, struggling in the long stairs in the process and the younger wasn't helping otherwise for being loud.

"You betrayed meee!" She sing along without music swaying her long arms.

And the older plopped her to the mattress, he released a deep sigh, looking at the drunk doctor.

Its the first time he saw her in this state, she's grown up and maybe a little bit tired and pressured from work. He knows she's a perfectionist, and that will remain as always.

"Ahn Yujin you are funny." She muttered lazily and her eyes opened a little.

The King looked at her with a smile, "Why am I funny to you, Miss Jang?"

"You look like a Maltese!" She started to laugh and her legs kicked the mattress in enjoyment.

He let the younger enjoy teasing him, he sat on the edge of the mattress looking at her, "Can you stand up, Miss Jang?"

"Of course!" She furrows her eyebrows and pouts like an angry cat.

"I bet you can't, you're drunk."

"Hey, I can walk! Don't you know I'm a doctor, doctors can walk and I can also run if there is an emergency in the hospital!" She says.

Yujin rolled his eyes hands wrapping to the younger’s wrist, “Come on, get up. You need to change you can’t sleep properly with a dress.”

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