Chapter XLVI - Sign Of The Times

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Maybe she wouldn't regret it? Did she..?

"Good morning, love." A voice greeted her and Wonyoung automatically smiled.

"Hi, puppy!" She chuckled and cuddle the guy who was hovering over her.

"Did I hurt you last night?"

Her voice vibrates from laughter, "Silly, you did not."

Dimples on his chins formed, "I love you."

"I love you more," Wonyoung responded and kissed him.

"Hey, morning breath!" He joked and the latter rolled her eyes.

"Then bear with it, when we'll getting married you need to get used to it."

He smiled, "You wanted to marry me? Grow old with me, love me until my last existence?"

Wonyoung nodded cupping his cheeks, "I'm sorry for waiting for you too long to realize how much I love you."

"I can wait forever, but I think you fall in love first tho?"

"No, you gave me the bracelet on my birthday remember?"

"And you kissed me," He smirked, "You confessed to me that you already love me."

Wonyoung groaned, "The bracelet..." She murmured.

Her spirit woke her up, the bracelet she finally know where it came from!

So it was from the guy from her dream-wait what?

Her environment feels different from her lover she just has a conversation with.

"Where is he?"

Wonyoung tried to open her eyes, she was in her bedroom trying to register what just happened yesterday night until dawn.

She tried to move but something is stopping her to do so, eyes still unopened and her body screaming tiredness.

"Ouch!" She suddenly hissed when she tried to stretch her body as her hips feels numb.

She eventually gave up, opening her eyelids, her sight welcoming the white ceiling.

"So it was only a dream." Sadness was plastered on her face.

She never dream of that guy if it is not December the twenty-fifth, but today she got another detail from her dream.

The bracelet she's always wearing was from the blurred man?

Wonyoung remember the guy having dimples, they were naked and she shocked herself, she was dreaming about a naked man?

Her eyes wandered around when a raspy voice suddenly cooed like a small chirp of a bird.

Remembering why she can't sit up, she decided to look at what was stopping her above.

Wonyoung's eyes widen when she saw browny hair, obviously a male one-not Sunghoon.

She tried to adjust her head, whoever this man lay his head on her chest she was ready to punch him.

A baby smell greeted her nose-not a bad one but the smell of a just-finished smell of a baby.

Her baby perhaps?

Another groan came out from the guy lifting his head a little hitting the doctor's bossom causing her to open her mouth and let out a small voice.

That made Wonyoung gather her strength to sit up a little, of course, she failed to cause her back to lean against the headboard.

The guy on the top wraps his arms around Wonyoung's waist, pouting his lips and... And naked under the sheets?!

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