Chapter I - Plan

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It's quite ambiguous, trees are now blooming everyone loves the season except for someone. A guy sitting in the garden, thinking how to forget those days he suffers. Love is too cold for a young age prince named,

"Ahn Yujin!!" A guy behind him shouted worryingly.

"What?" Yujin said in a cold tone.

"It's already a month can't you even move on?"

"Why do you care, Ryujin?"

"Because you are my brother that will be a king soon. The good thing is to move on with Minju and start with a new life without her." Ryujin said.

"You know so how much I love her yet you think that you comfort me? Move on? Do you think I can!" Yujin shouted and start walking out of the garden.

Before he left from the garden "And, who says I'm gonna be the king of Korea and Japan? I want freedom, not the crown. If you want the crown, go get it, it's all yours." Yujin completely walkout.

Ryujin just sighs from what Yujin said. Ryujin always cares about Yujin, they're twins. His job is not just to be a prince but to protect their whole family, that includes Yujin.

But Yujin the sweet and caring prince change into a cold one after Minju his lover left him.

He's down bad to Minju, however, she chooses his best friend over Yujin even the prince did everything but love Minju.

That's the reason why the prince still can't move on even he did all for his love once.


"Good evening son." A very familiar voice from the back of a prince was welcomed.

"Oh, your majesty. Good evening." Ryujin bowed.

"How's the talk with your twin?" The king looking at his problematic son.

"Same as always nothing changed.
How can Yujin gonna be a king soon if he
still thinking with minju, but father I
think Yujin is having some plan alone
himself. Every time I'm with him, he always talks about the crown that will never be his. Do you think there is something he wants to plan without
us knowing?"

"There's nothing to worry son, let himself have a plan and let's just support him. We'll discuss this later at the royal dinner." The King said that seems excited about his son's plan.

The dinner has been and half of the hour yet no one dares to talk while looking at the problematic prince.

"What's with that problematic eyes of all of you looking at me?" Yujin breaks the silence afterwards.

"Watch your language Yujin," Ryujin spoke. Then Yujin gave Ryujin some deadly stares.

"That's enough of you two. Yujin, son you can't move on don't you? Share your plans with us then we'll support you." the King speaks with worry.

Yujin then eye contact with her lovely mother, his mother's eyes tells how much she loves her son.

Yujin planned something that is an excellent plan to forget Minju but it seems off while looking at her mother that those eyes also telling her not to leave her.

Tears starts to flow from yujin's eyes and then spoke bravely, "Father I want freedom for a while." The King does not seem surprised because he knows his son well.

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