Chapter II - Please Be Nice To Me Korea

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Why am I feeling nervous, I'm here right now in Korea. Many memorable things I've been created with my family for the last week in Japan.

I feel tired because of the trip, I've been thinking of something to do here in Korea for months before I'll become a doctor when my phone suddenly rings.


"Hello?" I heard on the other line a guy mimicking me.

"Who are you, and how even do you know my number?" I asked feeling nervous.

"Yuj? Did you forget me, it was just a while ago with the flight from Japan. By the way, I'm Ahn Ryujin if you forgot." My twin teasingly answered.

"I didn't, I didn't forget my annoying twin. By the way, how did you get my new number?"

"Dad gave it to me because I wanted to call you always, to check you. If it is fine with you?"

"Don't worry, I'll update you always. I'll hang up bye."

"Bye, always remember to be happy there and don't be too cold to others. Uncle Dahyun will pick you up there."

"Okay bye." I sighed and waited for my uncle.

*Beep beep

A luxury car appeared in front of me.
"Ahn Yujin I've missed you so much." My uncle gives me a big warm hug.

"I've heard a lot from you, uncle," I answered with a wide smile.

"So let's get into the car." And I nodded.

"So Yujinie, tell me to want do you want before three months of your work?" Uncle Dahyun ask me all of a sudden.

"I want to travel the country for a while uncle," I said and he nodded.

"Do you want to visit the palace for a while?"

"Is the hamster present at the palace? I mean she's a doctor here in Korea, so is she still homing at the palace or living along just like me?"

"Ah, she's living together with her boyfriend. The one who owns the hospital that your gonna work at. You know what since college until now they still the same whipped for each other." Then he look at me remembering that you know about what happened.

"I'm sorry, I forgot."

"No, it's okay that's why I'm here to heal and refresh my mind." Then uncle gave me an assuring smile.

"This car will be yours." He said as he stopped the car and arrived at our destination.

"This will be your home Yujinie, so let's go inside and roam around."

"Ne," I answered, I'm extremely excited and I don't know why. My home was too big, a mansion exactly.

I don't know why Dad wants me to live in a big luxury mansion. Who cares with me if no one knows I'm a prince, I'm excited. This is freedom!! Woahhhhhh!

"Oh actually I remember when you were a kid that likes to plant, so I've decided to make you a place it's near at the highway." When uncle said those words I don't know where I'm gonna start my 'little activities' here in Korea because it is too perfect to have freedom and I'm not gonna be joking This is amazing.

Then after roaming around the mansion we landed in my room then I got my things clean so that I can now rest and bid goodbye to my uncle.

Tomorrow uncle and I will visit my little farm, and I've decided to go to the farm every day off as a doctor. Sound amazing I'm gonna be Dr Ahn sooner.


It's getting night, Friday night. But a girl is still wearing her school uniform waiting for someone, her best friend. But the girl sees her best friend as someone more than they have.

The girl was suddenly surprised when someone hug her behind.

"Wonyoung-ah I'm sorry if I made you wait for me." The guy breathing heavily because of running towards the girl almost forgot that they will meet, hugs is necessary for the two of them.

"Ah, you surprised me gosh, so what's were gonna talking about?" Wonyoung asks the guy.

"Let's go to Enozi café right now, and we'll talk about it later."


"I do really like their music as always, so calming." the guy nodded and smile from wonyoung's statement.

"Omo wonyoung you're dating someone!?" Both of them were surprised, Wonyoung blushed.

"Really Yena? It's just me no one else." The guy said laughing hard because of Yena.

Yena were the owner of the café, and became close to wonyoung and the guy for being loyal customers.

"So how's work Hyung, are you still in a relationship?" The guy asked.

"Yah! Yah! I and Yuri love each other, so there's no way we're gonna be apart. About work still the same also these days were too busy because there's gonna be a new doctor where he is really important." Yena sighed, must be exhausted.

"Ah, an intern," Wonyoung spoke.

"You can't call him just like that Wonyoung, even father as a chairman will bow to that person, a really important person. Ok we'll stop with these you guys continue your own business and I'll rest, bye!" Then Yena continues walking from the table.

"So we'll talk now?" Wonyoung seems nervous.

"Yeah sure, Wonyoung I want me to be honest always with you because we're best friends right?" Wonyoung smiled bitterly hearing that part, 'best friend'.

"Yeah sure go on, you're my best friend after all."

The guy smiled and continue the conversation.

"Wonyoung, I used to love this girl since we've met. And I've known a few months ago that she loves me too." Wonyoung were nervous, she thought were all about the girl. What if it is her, or there's someone else. She's frustrated.

"Wonyoung-ah, remember our childhood best friend? She's my girlfriend now! I didn't expect, she answered me yesterday. And I hope you'll suppo-"

The guy noticed wonyoung teary-eyed, "Hey are you jealous? Haha, perhaps your just teary because you're happy with m-"
Wonyoung cut him off.

"Yeah! Haha, I'm teary because I'm happy with you and to admit I'm jealous of my best friend because she's so lucky to have you. I'm sorry to be like this." Wonyoung lied and started to cry, does the guy a dumb person not to notice Wonyoung, who loves him so much?

"Hey don't be sorry, I won't leave we're still best friends right? We'll still gonna hang out, if you want the three of us will hang out like when we're kids if you mind, right? The guy hugs the sobbing Wonyoung.

"Yah! I don't like being the third wheel you know that." The guy laugh and ruffled wonyoung's hair.

"I still love you best friend." Then Wonyoung silently cries even more hugs his 'best friend'.

''I'm so dumb, waiting for you. You made me cry aren't I'm visible that I'm in love with you?'' Wonyoung thought.

Thank you for reading have a good day everyone!

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