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After the debrief given from Director Nick Fury, everyone headed off and rest to prepare for the upcoming week. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton were finishing up their discussion about their assignments for the week and wishing each other good luck.

Natasha: Alright then, I am going to check in with Blake.

Clint: Ok then, night Tasha.

Clint headed into his room to get some sleep and Natasha went off to go find Blake Riley. As she was walking to his room, she started to remember the fond memories when she first met Blake. Both him and Clint knew each other the longest since they trained together and became partners in S.H.I.E.L.D. When Clint gave her a chance to join S.H.I.E.L.D., she took it and he was the one that introduced her to Agent Riley. She chuckled of the memory when he first laid eyes on her, he was stuttering and blushing. She had a little crush on him and as the time went on when they spent more time together, her feelings for him grew. She was taught that love was for children but the moment she met Blake, it changed everything. She doesn't know how to express her feelings to him but for now, she just want to check up on him and tell him later. Natasha finally arrives in Blake's room and knocks on the door.

*knock knock

Blake: Who is it?

Natasha: It's me

Blake: Oh Nat! Hang on, I'm coming!

*opens the door

Blake: Hey, how's it going?

Natasha: Doing well, just wanted to check up on you and see how you're doing.

Blake: I'm fine, I just needed some time alone.

Natasha: Do you want to talk about it?

Blake: Honestly I don't even know what is there to talk about. I mean what we are going to be dealing with this week is just insane! I'm kinda freaking out Nat.

Natasha: *chuckles* I know. But we both can handle it.

Blake: Yeah I got it, it's just.... I am just really worried about you, Clint, Coulson, Hill, Fury, and hell even Rumlow.

Natasha: *caresses his cheek* There is nothing you need to worry about моя сияющая звезда. Go ahead and rest, you will need it for this week. Good night *then kisses his forehead and leaves*.

She began to blush a bit as soon as the door to Blake's room closes. Before she heads off any further, she hears Blake yelling at something.

Blake: What the hell?! Who said that? Hey I see you! Who are you?!

As soon as Natasha heard him, she began to run to his room as fast as she could. Did someone snuck their way into the helicarrier? What do they want with Blake? Just as she reached the door, a bright light flashed. As the light faded, she opened her eyes and looks around to see a theater. Why was she here? And what happened to Blake?!


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