One Shot Reaction #1: The Waterfall

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I wanted to a little something different and that is having the Avengers react to some funny or serious one shots from either in their timeline or from another universe. So for this first, this is about one of many interesting missions that Clint and Blake took.

The Watcher: Before we move on to Miss Carter's part of the story, I wanted to showcase some events that had or will happen in your timeline.

Clint: Like what?

The Watcher: What you are about to watch now is you and Blake on a mission that went wrong. To me, it was quite amusing to watch.

Natasha. And why is it amusing?

The Watcher: See for yourselves

Everyone turns to screen to see Hot Shot standing near the edge of cliff, where a group of mercenaries were aiming their guns at him. Natasha, Blake's parents, and everyone else were scared of what's happening, except for Clint for he now remembers what happened. He is not looking forward to what happens next.

Hot Shot: *chuckles nervously* Now, now fellas. I am sure we can talk about this. Whoa!

He looked back, seeing that he almost fell from the ledge. He turns back to mercenaries, who were still aiming their guns at him.

Mercenary: End of line kid, hand over that USB and you won't be killed.

Everyone glared at the mercenary and his threat to their friend. Clint showed no expression still because he knows it all to well. Natasha glances at Clint and wonders what happened to them there.

Then, an arrow landed in between Hot Shot and the mercenaries and a bright flash happened and blinded the bad guys, giving enough time for Hawkeye to swoop in save Blake. Literally. Clint used a tree vine to swing in and grabbed Blake.

Hot Shot: Aaaaaaaah!!!!

Everyone laughs, hearing Blake scream like that

Hawkeye: Don't worry, Blake, I gotcha little buddy. You're safe now.

Peter: *cheers* Hey Mr. Hawkeye sir, you saved him!!

Clint: You can call me Clint, Peter.

Ned: Dude, you are on first name basis with Hawkeye!!

Bucky: You know, you seem terrified seeing this. I mean was the mission that bad.

Clint: Kind of, but its what happens after I saved Blake that terrifies me.

Everyone was confused on what he's saying and they turned back to screen. They all chuckled seeing Blake holding on to Clint for dear life. Then the vine that was holding them got caught in a log, which caused them to swing around until they are tied to the log.

Bucky: Oh, is that why?

Clint: *sighs* Just wait for it.

Natasha: Clint, what's going to happen?

Clint just points to the screen.

Hot Shot: Okay, maybe I am just new to this whole rescuing thing, but this, to me, might be considered a step backwards, wouldn't you say?

Hawkeye: No, no, no. It's— It's okay. This— This is alright. We can figure this out.

Suddenly, the log begins to break off.

Tony: Uh, Clint?

Steve: Barton?

Owen: Clint, what is going to happen?

Reacting To: Journey To Face The UnknownTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon