What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart...? (Reaction Part 1)

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Stephen Strange, Christine, and the others watch a reality where his variant has lost something very important to him. His heart.


Tony: "Wow...that was absolutely beautiful." He said while wiping away the tears.

Thor: "A-agreed." He sniffled.

Loki gave him a box of tissues, to which he thanked and blew his nose.

Vision: "This was quite a very pleasant story." He said.

Bucky: "Man, I am thankful that at least these tears came from happiness and not sadness."

Everyone: "Agreed."

Uatu: "I'm glad you all have enjoyed that. But now we must to return to our Blake's journey. Are you ready for your story, Stephen Strange?"

Strange: He sighs and nods. "Ready as I'll ever be."



Time. Space. Reality. It's more than a linear path.

Wong: "Here we go, again."

Clint: "Yeah, I'm really nervous."

Tyler: "Why, what's getting you feel nervous?"

Clint: "Well, after what we just witness in that last world where we all die, we don't know what we could expect here."

Thor: "Right, all we can do is be ready for what is to come. I just hope our young friend will be alright."

It's a prism of endless possibility. Where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities, creating alternate worlds from the ones you know.

The newcomers looked upon seeing all these different realities in amazement. The Watcher had made sure they were all caught up and know what is currently happening.

I am the Watcher and joining alongside me is Hot Shot. We'll be your guides through these vast new realities.

Follow us and ponder the question...

Strange: "What If...?" He joined in on this little trend.

What If...?

Christine: "Are you ready for what's going to happen, Stephen?" She asks him.

Strange: "No, not really."

Uatu: "We have watched how one moment, one choice, can ripple across space and time, giving birth to new stories, heroes, whole universes. But what if it's the wrong choice? What if the best of intentions has very strange consequences?"

Sam: "The hell does he mean that?"

Strange sighs in exasperation, while he looks down and shakes his head.

Christine: "What is it, Stephen?"

Strange: "Did he really have to say that last part? "Strange consequences." It's not funny."

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