What If...Thor Was An Only Child? (Reaction Part 2)

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Everyone now sees their Blake Riley joining along for the party, but how will things go from there? Well...read and find out for yourselves...

Over on the dance floor, the Grandmaster was DJing while everyone in the crowd were dancing to the beat. Thor and Jane were dancing together while Blake was dancing along with Darcy, Brunhilde, Sif, and Nebula. All of them were raising their arms and fists in the air, while Thor was swinging his hammer around.

Riley: "Whoo, party time!!" She yelled out.

Tony: "So far, this isn't too bad." He commented.

Then, the Grandmaster stopped the music as everyone was confused as to why, until he spoke into the microphone.

Grandmaster: "Release the foam." He announced.

Then, the foam was released as everyone cheered and continued dancing. Darcy and Blake laughed, seeing each other covered in foam.

Darcy: "Aw, I wish I could be there. It looks like a lot of fun!"

It cuts to Blake joining up with Nebula, Thor, Jane, and even Korg. She extends her hand out to Blake, with the dice in her hand.

Nebula: "Blow on these." She requested which Blake did. "Momma needs a brand new eye."

Rocket: "I still can't believe that your variant is there on Terra to party."

Nebula: "Neither can I."

She rolled the dice as everyone watched in anticipation. The dice landed on the right amount as everyone cheered.

Volstaag was seen trying on a jetpack, to which he then pressed a button that launched him in the air. He flew around for a bit till he then crashed in the water.

Drax: [Laughs] "Volstaag has crashed!"

Coulson: "Okay, I think maybe these guys need to tone the partying down a bit."

Hill: "No kidding."

Drax was joined by Blake, Brunhilde, and Sif who were laughing with him. They all raised their drinks to the air. Blake and Brunhilde looked at each other with smiles on their faces, until she leaned close to his face and kissed him in the lips. As they both separated, Sif joined in and kissed him as well.

Rhodey & Sam: "My man!"

Most of the guys cheered and even whistled, while most of the variants simply shook their heads.

Jane and Thor went into a tattoo parlor, to which they got themselves tattoos on their arms. Thor had one with a microscope and underneath it read "Science" and Jane had one with Mjolnir and it read "Magic". This was a wild night to remember.

Wanda: "Aw, that's really adorable."

Future Blake: [Chuckles] "That's actually not that bad."

Both Thor's and Jane's faces turned slightly red as they awkwardly glanced at each other.

The Next Morning...

It was early in the morning, as the sun shined brightly in the sky. Blake slowly opened his eyes and groaned, feeling a bit of hangover. As he fully began to wake up, he started to notice something on top of him. He slowly looks to see someone on top of him. Blake looks closely to see that it was Darcy, on top of him and...naked! And so was he.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20 ⏰

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