What If...Doctor Strange Lost His Heart...? (Reaction Part 3)

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Doctor Strange and the others now gets to witness what the other Doctor Strange plans on doing to get back his Christine.

Strange: "Okay. Transmutation, telekinesis, teleportation."

As Stephen was taking a look at each of the books in library, he had them all stacked in different piles as they flew past him. Then, one book flew right into his hand.

Strange: "Interesting. Time manipulation. Bingo."

Scott: "Time Manipulation? That's not good."

Hope: "Definitely not good at all."

He places the book on the ground and opens it to look for information he requires to achieve his goal in bringing back Christine.

Strange: He began to read aloud. "The power required to break an Absolute Point in time is immense, and nigh impossible to obtain." He scoffs and flips the page. "Yeah, no doy. A-ha! "Gain the power through the absorption of other beings."

Tony: "Uh...Absorption?" He questioned.

Tyler: "What does he mean by other beings? What could we see?"

Wong: "Other dimensional creatures, perhaps."

Strange: "Absorption?" He questions.

Then, Stephen conjured up a portal which hasn't been opened yet. He was standing a few feet away from it with the books floating around him. Meanwhile, Blake was careful observing to what Stephen was planning to do.

Strange: He takes a deep breath. "Here we go."

Clint: "I'm betting this going to go wrong, really quick."

Natasha: "I think so too..."

He begins to use his magic and knowledge to bring out a dimensional being to absorb its power. Then, a couple of large tentacles appeared out of the portal. Blake's eyes widened, seeing that the being Stephen summoned was the same creature that he and Peggy fought on his first adventure....Peggy....just thinking about her....he misses her. He shakes his head a bit and focuses on what's going on.

Everyone: "Whoa!!!" They all exclaimed.

Howard: "Hey, wait a minute. Isn't that the same creature we saw with Peggy?"

Bucky: "Yeah, it does look like it."

Ancient One: "Indeed, it is."

Peggy couldn't help but feel heartbroken a bit, seeing how Blake misses the Peggy Carter he met. The creature must've brought back those memories.

Strange: "Whoa! Uh..." He looks upon the creature in amazement but he quickly shakes his head and clears his throat. "My name is Dr. Stephen Strange. I brought you here because I need to borrow your powers. Do you mind sharing a tentacle or two?" He tried bargaining.

Wong: "Strange...are you seriously trying to bargain with that creature?" He says, while looking at him.

Strange: "Well, I mean maybe I could've..."

Reacting To: Journey To Face The UnknownWhere stories live. Discover now