One Shot Reaction #7: Spider-Drift (Part 2)

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Everyone returns to see how Spider-Drift became the hero he is right now. What happened to him after the spider bite? What changed him? Find out now!



Ned: "So who are we going to see right now?" He asked.

Uatu: "Spider-Drift." He simply replied.

Peter: "Yes!!" He exclaimed in excitement. "Uh, sorry, just got excited."

He apologized to everyone as they all stared at him. Owen, Selina, May, Natasha, and Tony silently chuckled at the young man's excitement.

Kate: "Spider-Drift? Who is that?"

Sam: "It's pretty much Blake Riley if he became Spider-Man instead of this guy." He points at Peter.

Chavez: "Ooh, that sounds kinda interesting." She said.

Shuri: "Well, what are we waiting for? Roll it!!"

MJ: "You heard her, do it!"

As the screen turns on, it opens up with a view of New York City. It was nice and sunny as birds flew through the city. The noise of cars were heard and people walking by.

Kate: "Ah, New York! Home."

Peter: "Yeah, big city, sun's bright, birds flying by, people going about their day. Home."

Then a noise was heard. It was the sound of excitement. The citizens look up above to see a man swinging through the city with a hoodie on. The man in question was none other than...

 The man in question was none other than

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Quill: "Hey, there he is!!" He exclaimed in excitement.

Lila: "Is that Uncle Blake?"

Clint: "Yeah, sweetie, that's him."

Cooper: "He looks so cool!"

Ned: "Still can't get over that suit. So awesome!"

Chavez: "Whoa, that's him?!! Man, I should check out that universe!"

Monica: "Wow, that is..."

Carol: "What?"

Monica: "'s crazy to think that it's him right there. Again, wow." She said, staring at the screen.

Sharon: "Agreed."

He stopped swinging as he landed on top of a rooftop and strangely, looked towards the camera.

Spider-Drift: "Oh hey guys! Didn't see you there. It's been a minute since I last talked to you. So now you want to know what happens next, right?"

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