Break III (Trouble...)

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Everyone was hurt, especially Stephen, after seeing what happened. They all take break to calm down a bit, but that isn't going to help the Watcher from getting yelled at.


As the Watcher finished that last sentence, a midst of green and red spread around the room. Bruce's eyes glowed green, sparks of lightning appeared from Thor's fists, and many clenched their fists and anger rose, while tears still their eyes. Clint and Laura held onto their kids for comfort, crying for seeing their uncle hurt and sad, and glared up to the ceiling, hopefully to the Watcher.

Stephen and Christine were beyond hurt, seeing what happened to their variants. But, Stephen was more hurt that Blake blamed himself for what happened, when in fact it wasn't. Christine hugged Stephen and cried on his shoulder, as he held on tight to her, not wanting to let her go.

Owen and Selina were beyond upset. Their hands began to spark of bit of lightning, like their son's, but their colors were yellow and purple. They slowly looked up, anger in their faces. The same case goes for each of Blake's love interests, upset and angry that this had happened.

Selina: "!" She slowly, as anger builds up in her voice.

Her voice echoed, loudly, throughout the entire theater. Some flinched hearing it, while others didn't, because they felt the same anger as she has.

Natasha: "You bastard!" She stood up from her seat.

Pepper: "How could you...HOW COULD YOU?!"

Uatu: He sighs and begins to speak. "Please, all of you must understand tha-

Bucky: "Understand?! Understand what, you son of a bitch!" He yelled.

Uatu: "I couldn't interfere because if I did, I would risk the safety of other universes. I wish I could, but I can't..."

Rocket: "Why I oughta shoot you right in your big ass forehead!"

Groot: "I am Groot (Yeah)!"

Thor: "I've grown tiresome of this! Bring our Young Riley here, now!"

Jane: "He's right, this has to end now." She said with many others nodding in agreement.

A bit of silence filled the room, waiting for an answer. Then, the Watcher responded.

Uatu: "No."

Owen: "No?! The hell you mean no!! Get my son here right now!!"

Uatu: "It is not time yet, there is still much more to see."

Sam: "See more of what? These different universes are fucking hell at this point. Why should we have to stay here longer and only sit and watch Blake deal with all of that madness?!"

Uatu: "Well, unfortunately that's how it's going to be." He said, as he then turned his attention to Sylvie. "Are you having second thoughts?"

Sylvie: "I don't know what you're talking about."

Uatu: "I believe you know exactly what I am talking about. You were the one responsible for allowing this to happen."

Tony: "What's he saying?"

Sylvie: "Nothing! He knows nothing!" She denied.

Natasha: "Bullshit."

Sylvie: "What was that?"

Natasha: She stood up and glared towards her. "I said, bullshit. You do know something. I heard Stephen mention something about you and the multiverse. What's your connection?"

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