29 | heart instincts

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a/n: short chapter 💔

jungkook sighed softly and dragged his sulky princess body towards his chest, and asked her if there's something wrong.

luna tells him that she was bored. if her mommy was here, she wouldn't be this upset but of course, he wasn't here. her mommy jimin still sleeping on the hospital bed.

also she can't play with her taetae, because her taetae also sleeping and it's been a day after, taetae have yet to wake up.

"my mommy sleeping, taetae also sleeping. kookie papa, can you marry my mommy? so you can play with me just like other students in my school?.."

luna request with puppy eyes and pouted lips.

please don't put fault on that luna kid. she's still a child, she only speaks whatever she saw and implanted in her tiny brain.

she, not once, but quite a few times she witnessed how her kookie shower her mommy with care and concerned before.

she also figured that maybe having a daddy would be more fun than only having a mommy. and a kid, will always be a kid.

she thought this marriage thingy is a game, saying 'i do' and that's it.

a look of shock seemed to appear on jungkook's face, he wasn't sure how the little girl even familiar with the 'marry' words and how he will respond to her.

"no, princess. i- i cannot.."

luna began to panic. tears glistened in her eyes, lower lips trembled. she wanted her kookie as her papa desperately, she can't help to think why all the adults so difficult to understand her needs.

she brought her little hands to her kookie's face. she blinked back more tears and began to sob a little,

"why? is it because you don't love luna? then why you called me your princess? mommy always cry at night because he always being left alone. kookie papa, you saved my mommy so you must still love my mommy right?"

"princess.. it's not like that-" jungkook was startled by her outburst.

"no.... you- you never love me. you never l- loved my mommy but, but- my mommy love you." her trembling voice was broken.

in her mind, she was already picturing her kookie papa and mommy jimin with her as a family and she resolved to herself to make that images comes true. but now, looks like it won't be happening anymore.

luna continued crying, though her cries were much louder despite her tiny body frame and jungkook thought that nothing could be any more painful than listening to her ear-shattering cries.

completed with clenched fists, and flailing legs and an unhappy red puffy cheeks.

this girl sure still fuel with loaded of tears, she never stopped crying the moment she saw her mommy in the hospital bed. until she reaches home and seokjin had to comfort her to sleep.

again, she cried because she thought jungkook never loved her. she was his precious princess since she's a baby, how can her kookie not love her? how long more her princess has to suffer? even the adults felt burden, what's more a child like her?

it was stressful, overwhelming, and tiring daily, for jungkook and everyone in the household. especially with taehyung's father situation, jungkook was deeply hurting too.

the crack of his heart broke a little bit more, if that was even possible; he could almost feel tears of pressure peeking on his eyes; when will all this ends?

her cries now sounded like the screeching of an angry cat, only growing harsher and louder as jungkook tried his best to subside her.

god, how could this tiny creature make such loud noises?

her coughs and sneezes seems to reach into the skull through his ears, to grasp his brain stem, to shake the inner core of his being. if this goes on, she will caught fever and jungkook don't want that to happen.

he looked down at his princess, he hugged her tight and promised that he'd do everything to fulfilled her wishes.

"luna.. kookie papa will do anything for you, princess. you want me as your papa, right? i'll marry your pretty mommy, okay. don't cry now, hush hush." he kissed her forehead and rocking the girl like a love of a father; luna snuggled closer to his chest.

every single choice we make involves both emotions and logic. yet, when asked about general decision-making, an overwhelming majority of people said they follow their head.

the clock is ticking, and a decision has to be made. the logical choice or the emotional one? does jungkook follows the one in his head or he is following his heart instincts?

unbeknownst to the father and daughter, taehyung is just right outside the door.

he stood there, frozen to the spot as a single tear made its way down his rosy cheeks.

a single tear for a ruined life.

a single tear for a broken heart. 💔


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