Finally On Board

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"The casino wasn't the target," Parker announced when Cisco and Dr.Wells arrived. "In the event of an attack, the casino is prepared to relocate the money."

"That was Snart's plan all along. He wanted to trigger the move," Barry explained.

Cisco bent over the computer, his fingers typing wildly across the board. He found the location of the truck easy and told Barry, who grabbed the suit and bolted.

Parker leaned over and pressed the microphone.

"Hey, Allen, make sure you say something about your secret identity. Scare him out of his wits or something. Look menacing. Although, I know that's hard for you." Parker teased.

Barry gave a fake laugh. "Very funny."

When her finger slid off the button, Caitlin asked, "What do you say we explain to Iris and Eddie what Lightning Psychosis is?"

"Lightning Psychosis?" Parker repeated.

"A cover for his weird attitude, since Eddie and Iris can't know about what he really does at S.T.A.R. Labs," Caitlin said cleverly.

Parker proudly gave her a small clap, overjoyed by the idea. She would have gone, but she already made other plans. That's what she told Caitlin.

Using one of the S.T.A.R. Labs vans, the two girls carpooled to their locations. Caitlin dropped Parker off at the CCPD and then proceeded to a late night meet up with Eddie and Iris.

Knowing she would be in Barry's Lab quite a bit, connecting his board to her own, Parker kept the key. She shouted a greeting at the night shift officers and followed regular path to his Lab.

Surprisingly, the manila folder full of evidence against Harrison Wells was untouched when she uncovered it.

She laid her evidence out on the floor and flipped the bulletin board around, revealing the clear dry-erase one. Grabbing a marker, she started writing on it.

Harrison Wells= Reverse-Flash or just suspicious creep?
Evidence Saying So}
+Told Barry to focus on the Reverse-Flash
+Continued with the Accelerator, although he was warned against it
+Found the Arrow's identity rather quickly
+When trapped with the Reverse-Flash, he wasn't killed
+Hartley Rathaway hint: " a Flash."/"I know his secret."
+Foot twitch

Evidence Against}
-Blood sample didn't match him

Time Travel= Possible
Evidence Saying So}
+Young Barry Allen saw two speedsters in his house: one with yellow lightning a.k.a. adult Barry
+Reverse-Flash telling Barry it was like they'd fought before (or something)

Adult Barry and Reverse-Flash go back in time(HOW?) and make it to his old house(FOR WHAT REASON?) They fight, Nora Allen is killed, and Young Barry is dropped off a few blocks down the road, presumably by Adult Barry.


Parker screeched, jumping inches in the air from the shock of Barry Allen finding her there.

"Holy shit!" she yelled, "What are you doing here?"

"What are you doing here?" Barry retorted, taking a few steps forward.

He had caught the dry erase marker in her hand and wanted to see what she was writing.

Parker screeched once more, halting his movement. She stared at him with her eyes enlarged, racking her brain for some excuse. And then, like a pile of bricks, it hit her.

"Birthday plans. Your birthday is in a week. I have plans. The plans for your birthday," Parker visibly winced after the words came out of her mouth.

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