Final Extra for Within Seconds

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Her name was Parker Sylas.

His name was Barry Allen.

Brought together by an accident that made him the impossible, the two formed a relationship unlike any other. (By that, I mean they're utter dorks.)

To the outside world, he was an ordinary forensic scientist, and she was a sketch artist, but secretly, Parker aided him in using his speed to fight crime and find others like him.

Following the events of Eobard Thawne, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow, Iris and Joe West, Barry Allen, and Parker Sylas remained on Team Flash.

Much was left to be discovered about Barry's powers at that time. With new abilities meant new alternate universes, new meta-humans, new speedsters.

All Parker could hope for was a foe easier to defeat than Eobard Thawne. But something in her heart told her she wouldn't get what she wished for. Not at all.


With it being finished means something I know all of you will enjoy.. (Ashton Irwin give me a drumroll!)

Within Seconds: Sylas & Allen released and is keeping up with season two.

I hope to see all of you reading along for the second book following my #1 girl, Parker Elizabeth Sylas.

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