Chapter 2

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After a long days travel with lots of stop breaks, the scenery started to change again. It had been fluctuating between country side to villages and occasionally to a small town. But that was as much as it varied until the small towns started to become more frequent and started to get larger. After about four hours, I couldn’t distinguish between the individual towns any more. The motorway started to branch out and I realised that I must be in a city.

I chuckled to myself. Obviously my mother would move back to the city. She was an original town girl and had always wanted to move back to one but my dad loved the country too much and even though he would mover for her, we all knew it would break his heart.

I pulled over to a rest stop to call the mother in question. You see I hadn’t wanted to know where I would be moving to because for some reason I thought that would put a damper on my summer. Now I started to regret it because I had no idea where I was meant to go. All I knew was I was meant to drive along this motor way and when I get to the industrial part, to pull over and ask my mother for directions. Yes laugh at me I know it is stupid now but I don’t really care because what’s the worst that can happen? I could be late for my first day at my new school. If anything I see that as some kind of bonus.

'hey mum its Trix' I said down the phone. I then removed the phone from my ear to prevent my self from premature deafness.

'BELLATRIX GREYSON YOU WHERE MENT TO BE HERE THIS MORNING SO YOU HAD TIME TO GET READY FOR SCHOOL WHICH IS TOMORROW AND ITS 9PM ALREADY!!!! YOUR OVER EIGHT HOURS LATE AND YOU DIDNT THINK TO TELL ME? WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!!!' my mother screamed. I rubbed the back of my neck guiltily. I was so lost in my work that I had left the farm later than I was meant to and had forgot to tell my mother. As you may have guessed.

'yeah… sorry about that… and about where I am at a rest stop called wearwood chuggers near the entrance to the heart of the city. Just by junction…. Three I think.' I said nervously looking around hoping to God I was near.

'sweat baby Jesus give me strength' came my mothers voice from the phone. Fuck someone up there had it in for me today.

'sooo how far am I away from where I'm meant to be?' I asked in a hopeful voice. Crossing my fingers

'oh you know only two hours back the way you came. Oh and by the way no matter how late you get home, you are going to school tomorrow.' she said. I was now not sure if I was talking to my mother the sweat woman who raised me or Satan himself.

I smirked at the old joke me and my mum had and was just about to voice my question when my mothers knowing voice with a clear smile said 'and before you refer me to Satan, only I know where the dried mango is'

'God-dammit' I said cursing in a way my mother would accept 'The woman knows my weakness'

we both laughed for a little while before my mother gave me the address and a death threat for if I wasn’t there before midnight. And with that, I scampered because a mother who knows where the dried mango is is a mother I don’t want to anger.

The Country Girl meets The CityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora