Chapter 31

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You think your special just because you are secretly a good drawer!' jordan yelled from his disgusting state on the floor. however i was... jelious that he had seen them i know i said i hated trix, but i thought she felt the bond we seemed to have created. i guess that was just wishful thinking on my behalf.

Trixy stood up and her face changed from worry to hatred and defete when she saw jordan brandishing the book. The book that had me so intrigued.

'this book is her life and i now have it, meaning i therefore own your life. so the theory is,' he said looking at trix directly 'if i own your life, i can change you'

though trix was confused and said 'so tell me you oh so wise drunk man, why would you want to change my life?', i knew exactly what was going to happen. I knew exactly what he was going to say. But i couldnt get to him in time.

'because then i can break someones heart. i did it before, but it wasnt enought to break him.' he started to explain but thankfully was inturupted but Trix.

'thats enough' she said coldly, catching everyones attention, even though she unknowingly had mine already. 'i dont care who this person is, i dont care why you need to hurt them, but i will never be a parting breaking anyone. i dont care if your lying or telling the truth, just go home jordan. no one wants you hear.'

i couldn't help but smile at her. She didnt know who Jordan was talking about, but she still stood up for him.

'so you like him back do you? your just as fake as they come. i will break you both, i will break you by showing everyone your black book, and i will break z-' he yelled and i winced as he started to say my name. But when i looked back to him, to see why he stopped, i saw trixy on top of him punching him like no tomorrow.

He voice for once sounded broken 'no. i wont, not again. you wont blame me for breaking anyone again. i wont do it. you cant make me'

whilst we all looked at each other, tank ran over to trix and pried her off jordan, enveloping her in a hug and walking back to us. everyone in the cantein was looking at her with sympathy.

'im sorry' she whispered that broken voice 'but i cant stay here'

Without looking back, she sprinted out of the cantein and ran. suddenly snapping out of my daze that seemed to be shared by every one. I walked over to the black book picked it up and followed my group out. oh dont worry, I gave jordan an 'accidental' few kicks as well.


after the chaos of lunch time, we dicided to bunk and leave school, going back to my house to crash for the night. Once the movie finished, we lapsed into silence until norah blurted out in typical norh style 'I cant believe that. i cant believe she just left. what day did she say she was comming back?'

the very sumg looking damien who she was leaning against grew a somber expression and looked around sadly. no one wanted to admit that she wasnt going to come back. so i dicided to be the barea of the obvious.

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