Chapter 13

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Jordan's POV

'so, what do we make of this new chick?' harry said turning to us. we all looked around at eachother smiling knowing we where all thinking the samething.

'i think we are all in agreemenet that the banging list has been changed?' tom said cheekily. we all chorused yes and nodded, agreeing that trixy is now the highest girl on the 'would want to bang' list.

suddenly my phone wrang, disturbing me from the convocation and i looked at the diller.

'wehey' i cheered catching everyones attention 'would you look at that, speek and she shall call'

this was met by a few of the guys sending me jelious looks but maily a chorus of wooping

'you have reached the sex god how may i please you' i said in my cocky voice.

'sorry i didnt know who to call' said a paniked voice which sombered me up quickly.

'whats wrong?' i said putting her on speaker and hushing the group.

'so-someone with a kni-knife was in my garden' she whispered clearly crying 'jordan, he knew my name... he knew who i was... im so scared'

trixys voice broke at the end of her sentence and everyone in the room looked at the phone with different emotions. but the general feeling was 'go help her then go fight the black bloods' -the black bloods is Zayns gang.

'hold on trixy we are going to come and help you ok? stay where you are' i said trying to be comphorting. before hanging up the phone and standing up

'come one boys, we have a hot damsel in distress and an excuse to fight zayn's group.' i said which was met with a roar of approval.


'trixy its me!' i shouted through the letter box. i had told the boys to search everywhere for clues and i would go and talk to trixy. plus me baing on my own give us some perfect quality time for me to win over this fiesty girl, make her realise that if she was mine, then she would be protected.

the door opened to reveal trixy, stood their with bright blue eyes and tear stained cheeks. as soon as she saw me, she jumped at me latching on to me and giving me a hug.

whilst most people would be feeling sorry for her and wanting to comphort her, i could help but think about how good her body felt she wayed nothing, an easy weight to throw around in bed. dont hate me, im a boy what do you expect from me?

'right tell me everything that happened' i said closing the door and sitting us down on the sofa. no matter how much i want to hold her and feel her body, i also want a fight with zayn, a fight he denied me earlier.


After trixy told me everything that happened, i wasnt to sure it actually was a guy from black blood. no one in the gang that i knew fitted the discription she told me. But i would never tell trixy that, that would be like telling her 'even though i really want to bang you before my cuz, just saying he isnt the bad guy'. why level the playing feild when this is my chance to put myself in her favour.

'so you said he was tall about 6ft 5. he was shoulder length hair and from what you could see, he was fair skinned?' i confirmed, preparing to make up a person.

'yes thats all i could see. he also had a knife on his belt this long' she said motioning with her hands. i chuckled inwardly deffonatly not someone fom black blood, they hid their wepons to give the element of surprise.

'i think... yes it had to be, there is only one guy around here who matched your discription' i said confidently standing up and then pretending to get angry ' my stupid cousin thinking this is the way to find out about you and your life.'

'w-what do you mean?' she stuttered nervously

'what i mean is my brother has told one of his little gang members to fid out about you thats what he does, he wants to know everything about everyone. i know the guy you are discribing' i said confidently, ignoring the look of doubt that flashed accross her eyes.

'whats his name?' she said

as i walked towards the door, i looked back and said 'dont worry, tonight midao wont be bothering you anymore'

i had hoped that me promising to her would make her look lovingly at me or at least she would acknowledge how i would make her stalker be punished. but no instead she started to fixcate about the name madao.

i was pissed and was about to storm out, but she then gave me a hug and whispered 'thank you' which caught me completely of gaurd that i just walked out the door nodding and fumbling like a mad man.

she just giggled and shut the door.


'so, how did it go' tom said sugestively once i got back to the car, the others had already left.

'im not to sure, i found out this guy isnt one of zayns' i said and harry looked dissapointed but i slapped his shoulder smiling mischeviously 'but i may have told her different.'

'yes' harry cheared starting up the car 'lets go fight'

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