chapter 25

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Trixy's POV

There was a silence down the phone. I was not about to break it though.

'h-hey' she said nervously

'mum cut to it why didn't you call' I said coldly and blankly

'oh hell is that your son again I though he got the picture yester-' came a background voice that I didn't recognise.

'shhhh no its not its... a friend' what the hell? I am not her friend I am her daughter.

'mum-' I started in a fierce tone. But I was cut off by her saying loudly so whoever was in the background wouldn't hear her 'Linda yes I am sorry I didn't call I have just been really busy you know how it is. I think I am going to be out here longer than I though I am really sorry but I will see you in about two weeks. Things over here are a little more complicated that I thought they would be. By hunny' and with that the phone went dead.

I don't know what just happened but all I do know is that my mother is with some guy who mentioned my brother. She also couldn't admit to him that I was her daughter.

I stared blankly at my phone. I decided that I needed to write to my brother. Even though I never got a reply, I liked to vent through the letters. I told him everything even though I am pretty shore that he didn't read them. It still helped to know someone else knows. Even if they don't.


the sun was fully in the sky when I had finished writing my letter. I had written about four pages to him that told him everything. I hopped through the window and into my room. The first thing I noticed was my door hanging on one hinge. Someone had burst through it. I then heard all the yelling from downstairs.

'where the fuck would she go?'

'how am I supposed to fucking know?'

'it was hypothetical you ass'

'guys this is not helping'

I stepped of the bottom step and looked at them all. Zayn was punching the wall, Norah was crying, tank was standing there with a lost expression, Austin was face down on the floor looking knocked out and Chloe was kneeling over him.

'urm.. what happened down here?' I asked catching everyone's attention. They all froze and looked at me. Everyone looked relieved except Zayn. He started to walk towards me and I backed away. The look on his face was so scary I bolted straight back up the stairs.

'bellatrix!' he yelled running after me. I faintly herd tank telling Norah and Chloe to leave us to it, gee thanks tank remind him to thank him later. Not.

I made it to the entrance of my room when I was pulled and smashed into a wall. The next thing I know Zayne has pinned me to the wall 'where the fuck did you go?' he growled

I tried to shrink away but my arms pined above my head kind of stopped me.

'answer me' he growled again but more menacingly.

'I- I went to the roof' I whimpered looking dead in his eye so he knew I was telling the truth.

'you should have told me! I didn't know where you where!' he growled again

This made me see read 'why would I tell you? I am not your fucking play thing! I am my own person!' I yelled.

'you could have just fucking told someone where you where? Would that have been to mush of you to ask?' he yelled louder then me.

If I didn't see the way last night he found hummer in my hurt then I would think he generally did care. But I knew different. 'I don't even know why your pretending to care when you clearly don't! You loved how I was hurting last night.'

'your right I don't care' he said backing away from and storming down the stairs and out of the house.

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