Chapter 17

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Trixy's POV

We made eye contact and then he looked behind him to see if whoever they where running from and I understood why he was running to my house. I opened the door but kept the lights off. They ran into the house before me and I pretended nothing had happened. Though the guys where now out of sight, I was still in sight and caught the attention of who ever they where running from.

'oi you' said one of three really buff guys walking towards me. I heard one of the boys curse quietly so they wouldn't hear.

'did you see our friends? They ran this way?' he asked me with a smirk. I loved my eccentric mother for the spanish school she insisted me and my brother went to when we where little. I pretended to be a ditzy Spanish girl who didn't understand them. Still acting just in case one of them spoke Spanish.

'hola te apuesto muchacho, estoy bien gracias, ¿y usted? 'hello sexy, im good thank you and you?' I know I didn't answer his question but I was now going with the story that I cant speak English.  

'what the fuck did she say?' asked the biggest one of the guys.  

'she is speaking Spanish' said a smaller one looking at me quizzically '¿hablas cualquier Inglés? 'do you speak any English' 

I smiled at him pretending I was happy he spoke my language 'hablas bien español!' 'you speak good Spanish' I complimented but then I looked at him sadly 'hablo los más pequeños poco de Inglés, pero por desgracia no es suficiente para entender que usted amigo' 'i speak the tiniest bit of english but sadly not enough to understand you friend' 

he looked at me with a genuine smile before he turned to his friend. 'she said she doesn't speak enough English to understand you' 

the big guy looked at me threateningly and said 'then why the fuck live here if you cant understand the language go on translate that' 

'se pregunta por qué vives aquí si usted no habla el idioma?' 'he asks why you live here if you dont speak the language' I internally laughed at his politer version of the question 

'me mudé aquí este mes y estoy cuidando de una familia española . Poco a poco voy aprendiendo el idioma' 'i moved here this month and am babysitting for a spanish family. I am slowly learning the language' since when did lying become so natural to me I thought.  

'she said she is working for a Spanish family and is slowly picking up the launguage as she had only been here a month.' he then turned back to me 'han visto a ver a nadie correr por esta carretera hace cinco minutos? que donde nuestros amigos, pero se robaron nuestros teléfonos' 'did you happen to see anybody run down this road about five minutes ago? they where our friends but they stole our phones' 

I will admit that this guy had a skill with lies. 'no lo siento no puedo decir que lo hice . he hecho más que detuvo en mi moto , ¿quieres tomar prestado mi teléfono ?' 'no i am sorry i cant say i did. i have only just pulled up on my motorbike, do you want to borrow my phone?' I said offering my mobile.  

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