chapter 20

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Zayn's POV

when she hugged me I froze. I couldn't help it, I hadn't been hugged in a long time. I forgot what it felt like to have someone body embrace you and keep you warm in a not sexual way. I felt like a stupid little prick but I couldn't help but want another hug. But only a hug from Trixy.

I scolded myself. I was being stupid. All the girls every wanted with me was my money. They whored around with me because they made me an item that was cool to sleep with. Trixy was just another one of them.

I looked up to Trixy and saw her in her own world again. I figured out she must be drawing something because of the hand movements she was making across the page. Tank elbowed me and I looked away from Trixy to him.

He was smirking at me with a knowing look. He then turned to look at Trixy and said 'I know what your thinking. I can read you like a book.'

I covered up a blush threatening to push onto my face 'what are you on about'

'the hug. I saw how you reacted and now when you look at her you have this weird glint in you eye. But don't worry. At the party you will get another hug' he looked at me smirking.

'what are you on? Tyson just drop it ok' I whispered harshly.

He just smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

I looked at the time and groaned. I thought it might be nearly over but no we still had three hours left.


the rest of the detention consisted of me slyly watching Trixy and tank trying to catch me looking. When there was about an hour left of detention, Trixy slumped in her seat and fell asleep. She curled up in a ball on the sill and even though we are not allowed to sleep in detention, when Mr Radford saw her, he couldn't bring himself to wake her.

She looked so peaceful and beautiful. Everyone in the class was just kind of

looking at her. I sneakily took a photo of her.

I was currently watching her when I saw her in the process of rolling over. She was on a window sill and quite far from the ground so I stood up and walked over to her. Mr Radford gave me a questioning look but I mouther 'wait'. I then placed my arms out so if Trixy did roll, she would fall an inch and then fall in my arms.

Just as I predicted, she fell straight into my arms. She let out a sleepy scream and when she felt my arms, she instinctively wrapped her arms around my neck and pushed herself into my chest. I turned around carrying her bridal style and received many stares of jealousy. Mr Radford smirked at me and said 'sit down and just don't wake her.'

I sat down and placed her so she was sitting into my side with her legs over my lap. Her arms stayed around my neck and her head still into the crook of my neck.

Tank looked at me with a smirk before taking a photo of us. He sent it to me and I laughed.

Bored because I couldn't move without potentially waking Miss sleepy head up, I nicked her phone and opened it. It wasn't even locked. It was open on her messages and I saw my number saved in her phone as 'small weener'.

I chuckled and saved it as 'My night in shining armour'

I then saved a picture of us, her asleep and me looking at her with a 'wtf' face looking at her as her background.

I changed her lock screen to a selfie of me with my charming good looks.

Tank was looking at me suppressing his laughter as I replaced her phone. I then got bored again so I rested my head on her head and played with her hair.

I mouthed to tank 'I am so bored' but then I touched her hair and I looked at it shocked. It was so soft and silky. How is it so soft?

Tyson looked like he was about to pas out he was so red from suppressing his laughter. I gave him a 'seriously dude stop your humiliating yourself' look and held out my hand with some of her hair in it. My face made him want to laugh more but the second he touched her hair he looked at it shocked.

Tyson and I spent the last half hour of the lesson playing with Trixy's hair. When some of the guys looked at us weirdly, we just told them to feel her hair and they went into the same state that we did but we didn't let them keep touching her hair. Only we did.

Tyson took a selfie of me and him with confused faces whilst playing with Trixy's hair as she was soundo on my chest. He captioned it 'how the fuck is her hair so soft' ands he put it on his snap story, instagram and tumbler. That was sure going to get the attention of a certain someone.

Because detention goes on half on hour past normal day, I could see a few people waiting outside the door. I could see one of the cheerleaders and ginger hair. I waved at them and kissed Trixy on the head. I smiled when she snuggled into me and let out a sigh.

The bell finally went signalling the end of today but I didn't know what to do. They rest of the guys and Mr Radford filled out the class and Chloe and Norah ran into the room. They saw Trixy's face and all their anger at me melted.

'wait' said Norah and I froze 'pose' she said whipping out her camera. I was loving it, we took a few photos each one in a different pose. One was me kissing her head which Tyson bet me I didn't have the balls to do but I did to prove him wrong. The best one in my opinion was me holding her to my body with one arm at the same time as sword fighting with Tyson with a ruler.

When we looked at that one, we all laughed so loud and froze when Trixy yawned stretching in my arms which I must say gave me a cracking view of her tits. Norah hit me when she saw me looking. She was a good friend to Trixy I could see.  dammit! by this point, some of the rest of my gang had come in and where joining in some of the photos, which tyson ensured where going up on social media. we werent aiming to catch a ceirtain someones eye, no we would never do that.

Trixy then moved in her sleep causing me to almost drop her out shock. She grabbed my arms and looked around shocked. Damn she woke up. I was actually enjoying her in my arms. I canged my face so I gave nothing away.

'good your awake' I said with no emotion. Tyson looked at me for a second and understood why I had changed my persona.


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