Chapter 15

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Trixy's POV

The rest of the school day had been mostly uneventful except that Jordan and Zayne got in a fight. Apparently it was because people are now refering to me as Jordan's girl because of this morning in spanish. When someone addressed me as Jordan's girl I flipped shit on her and Jordan had to drag me away.

According to Norah - who buy the way after she got her revenge by not helping me remove a leech from me (aka Jordan) was fine - told me that that didn't really help my case because Jordan calmed me down. Also me fighting against it apparently got me a nickname with the boys. Apparently they call me feisty. Not like 'oh yeah she is feisty' which I wouldn't mind, they have actually given me the name 'feisty'.

Don't worry I haven't been drinking the tap water, only bottled water from places that are not here, I value my sanity - something this town seems to have little of.

Currently I was driving to an address that Mrs Cambar sent me for my fist photo shoot. Apparently I haven't got a place in the modelling firm yet because even though Mrs Cambar is in charge, there are other people that need to approve me first.

As I was driving I couldn't help but think about what had been bugging me the whole day today. My mother said she would call me in the morning but never did. By now I would know if she was hurt because I would have been informed, it just made my heart fall in realisation that she had probably forgotten. Since our fighting after dad died, the relationship we once had seemed to crumble and I couldn't help and blame the fact that because my mother moved away, she couldn't be bothered to fix it. Now it seemed we had built a bridge over our problems, but metaphorically speaking I knew that that bridge would be easy to break and then we would fall straight into the river that was our problems.

I brushed off me deep moment and parked the car in a car park next to a huge ass mansion. Bloody hell this mansion was huge! I am pretty shore that if you spent each day in a different room and each night in a different bedroom you would be in there for months.

I started to feel very insecure. I was not pretty I was just average. The girls in there would be gorgeous and model worthy. I don't know whether I could face the crush that I was setting myself up to. Before I could completely freak out, I walked up to the house and knocked on the door with this huge ass knocker that I had to lift up with two hands. What was the point in having such a huge door knocker if people would struggle to lift it?

The door was opened to me by a very handsome looking... well I don't know he was in a suit.

'hello are you here for the photo shoot?' he asked in a strong turkish accent that made me swoon.

'yes I am' I said in a shy voice.

'don't worry, you will be fine. I can defiantly see why they scouted you. Who was your scout because I am presuming you didn't apply your self as you are shy.' he said in a confidant tone shutting the door behind us and leading me through a door way.

'no I didn't apply Mrs Cambar scouted me' I said looking around in wonder. This house was amazing it was to big for me personally but I loved the old features it had. Dam this house had so much characteristics and history that I made a mental note to find out about it.

I had been walking slowly admiring the architecture that I hadn't realised the Spanish guy who I didn't knows name had stopped to just stare at me.

'urm.. are you ok?' I said not knowing why he was just staring at me like I was a rare creature and he was studying me.

'did you say the Mrs Cambar scouted you?' he said astonished. I just nodded in response he said something in turkish which I didn't understand and said 'she hasn't scouted anyone since Emily Randen who was the most successful super model in her prime.'

I just blushed and looked around awkwardly not knowing what to say. I knew I was probably just hear as an extra so I didn't let my hopes get brought up to high.

'my name is...' he started but I interupted him quoting the most annoying advert in the world.

'hector welcome to my world' I said.

(A/N I know that's not his name but I couldn't spell it so played it safe the advert is I think the euro million but I am not 100% certain)

he looked at me amused and said 'how did you know?' and feigned shock.

'one of my many skills' I said winking at him.

'well hector is my secret name but I go by Lucas' he said pretending to look round him like someone was watching. I burst out laughing.

'well my name is Bellatrix but call me Trixy or Trix' I replied.

Lucas then walked us into a huge ball room that was set up with a stage at one end with all the cameras and lardi-dar and around the hall where the make-up stations, hair, clothes and all of the prep stuff.

As soon as we walked in, we where noticed by Mrs Cambar who was currently yelling at a model for something to do with getting a tattoo.

When she saw us, she dismissed the model and called us over. We immediately complied and walked over.

'hello my darlings' she said kissing each of our cheeks. Lucas looked shell shocked but I responded how my mother had drilled into me.

'hello ma'am' I said

'I see you have met and you do look like a great modelling pair... I want you to to pair up in the boy girl paring ok? Good now here is the team that will work on the both of you to get yourself camera ready go go' she said hastily without waiting for a response.

Before I could even respond 'ok', I was whisked of and the next thing I know I have about ten hands on me, poking, pulling, brushing, combing you name it.

'let it begin' I said to my self

The Country Girl meets The Cityحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن