chapter 22

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Zayn's POV

'oi Zayn pass!' yelled Austin

I passed to him and then sprinted in front. He then pasted the ball back to me and I finished it of by kicking it in the goal. We where training for our big season games that where coming up. Especially against the jocks.

Coach blew his whistle signalling the end of the practice and we started to walk over to him. However three girls started to jog in our direction and due to us being guys, we stopped and watched them. As they got closer, I noticed it was Trixy, Chloe and Norah. Trixy was wearing a dance top with no sides and a blue sports bra and little shorts. Chloe was wearing black and white matching sports bra and shorts. Norah was wearing sports leggings and a crop top.

I could help but laugh at how different their facial expressions where. Norah was red and out of breath from the lack of exercise she did before she met Trixy, she was blushing in embarrassment and was trying to cover her stomach that was actually very nice, she was very curvy. Something I wouldn't have predicted her to be under her huge clothes.

Chloe was running very sexually. She was giving us sticky eyes and flirtatiously batted her eyes at tank who was staring at her and tripped over the ball.

Trixy was looking like the tough nut she is, she didn't play us an ounce of attention. I don't even think she recognised who we where. She ran straight over to coach and yelled something. He then through the stadium keys in the air to her and she flipped and caught them landing in a sprint. Dam she looked almost angelic.

After the coach gave his usual speech, we went our separate ways however most of us went over to see the girls. They where doing intensive running up and down the stairs of the stadium and at the bottom the all did a different kind of jump. Norah did a tuck, Chloe did a straddle and Trixy did an open flip.

Chloe and Norah stopped and walked over to a spot near the bottom of the stair so they could still see Trixy. But she didn't even slow down. I don't even think she noticed them stop.

Tank, Austin, Damien Tyler and I walked into the stadium and sat down with the girls. We started talking for a while and the whole time Trixy didn't even notice us.

About an hour of mindless chatter later, coach came up to us. 'what's that girls name?'

'Trixy' Chloe and Norah replied in sink.

He looked at me and said 'I want her on the athletic and fitness team by Monday got it?' before adding 'she is about to do a Zayn' to tank.

I nodded and looked at Trixy who briefly looked our way not really focusing before continuing on her way. Coach was right. She had been working at an intense level her body will shut down on her because she will be so tired.

I am guessing she was angry and had a lot to think about and sport was her release just like me.

'what does he mean?' Norah asked worriedly.

'basically' coach began and I groaned at the memory 'this one here' he said motioning to me with laughter in his eye 'was so angry for some reason one day he did a really really intense work out much like Trixy is doing now. He did it for so long at such a high intensity that he collapsed. Everyone panicked but obviously this is not the first time this has happened it basically means their body sends them to sleep before they can cause themselves serious damage.

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