Chapter 14

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Trixy's POV

I reached over to turn of my alarm that had woken me up when I realised it wasn't even my alarm, it was my phone.

'hello' I said groggily into the phone. Pissed off that someone would have called at this godforsaken hour. I knew it wouldn't be Mrs Cambar because we arranged that the modelling wouldn't inter fear with school.

'hello sleepy head rise and shine we are going for breakfast!!!' came a way way way to cheerful voice for six in the morning.

'Norahhh please noooo' I said burring my head into my pillow.

'you have twenty minutes before I come knocking and pore ice water over you.' she sang merrily

'fuck you' I said hanging up on her and tromping my way into the bathroom.

After I showered, I got changed into some cloths I found in my wardrobe. I was wearing a cute little black crop top with sleeves that went off the shoulder and tight high wasted black shorts that had a wet look. To top off the look, I wore red pumps to go with my red lipstick and red backpack. Red and black was the theme of my outfit even down to the red and black lacy underwear.

Today was going to be a good day because I was wearing matching underwear. don't judge me, it just makes me feel more confidant.


I pulled into the school with a screaming Norah clinging to me. We had finished up in the café and due to spending to much time becuse i had to tell her everything that happened last night encluding how i wasnt totally shore jordan was telling the truth about knowing who it was but that i was greatful he was willing to try and find out who it was, I had to speed to ensure we weren't late. Obviously the whole time Norah was serenading me with her screams and death threats.

As we parked, everyone was looking in our direction. They looked at me with looks of... I don't even want to describe it and they looked at Norah as if they had never seen her before.

'Norah... I know you love me but you can let go now.' I laughed she shakily detached herself from me and fell of the motorbike. I grabbed her wrist just before she hit the ground still laughing to hard to function an 'are you ok'.

'you could have killed us!' she yelled, her voice travelling over the court yard.

This just made me laugh harder. By this point I was doubled over because I found it so funny but also the laughing was really painful due to my aching muscles after the run yesterday.

Norah looked at me and stormed off. I could tell from the glint in her eye that she was only joking. I sobered up and went to walk into the school but I was pulled into a strong chest. One that after yesterday I was familiar to.

'hey Jordan.' I said turning round and hugging him before detatching myself ensuring i didnt give him the wrong idea. 

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