Chapter 11

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Jordan's POV

After school as per usual, me and the boys went out to the park for a kick about. We were halfway through the game when a few of the guys stopped playing and started drooling in the direction of the entrance. The rest of us caught on and we looked for who they where looking at. We where in a large park that had a skate park at one end fields and then some courts and pitches of to the side.

My eyes immediately zeroed in on Trixy the new girl from school who was currently jogging around the fields. We could only see her whilst she was close because she started to get to far away but then after a little while, she came back into view and ran straight by us. She didn't even notice us she was so deep in her own thoughts and her music but that didn't stop all of us from looking and checking her our. She had long toned legs that seemed to reach forever. Then small tight shorts took over covering her butt modestly so she was covered up but they only enhanced the images I was having right now. Her toned stomach and back was on show which only made my want to hold her hourglass waist and kiss her subtle abs.

Her breasts where covered by a sports bra which only enhanced the shape of them causing me to mentally moan. Her long chocolate brown hair was pulled back into a tight pony tail that I was having images of lightly yanking whilst kissing her.

Under the intense stares from me and the guys, she turned to look at who was

staring at her. When she saw us her eyes bulged and she stopped running and turned to face us. This only gave us a better view of her body.

She gasped registering what she was wearing, but her gasp only sounded like a sex noise so a few boys groaned in response. whilst eye raping here, i realised that because she was uncomphortable, this could help me win her over.

'here take this' I said whilst giving her my jumper.

she said 'are you sure' but looked at it hopefully.

I, in responsive said 'yeah of course but in return can you call my phone because I have lost it.'

'sure' she said whilst pulling on the jumper. From my hight and position I got a good look at her chest but quickly looked away when I though she might see me looking.

'god your are to hot for your own good' I mumbled unsure if she heard me but she blushed really red so I'm guessing she did, which made me smirk.

Though she may now feel more secure about what she wearing, I had always found girls wearing my cloths really hot so I was now even more tempted than I was before. I looked at the other guys and it was clear they where also having a hard time staying composed as well. My jumper swamped her and it intensified the perfection of her legs.

I was pulled out of my day dream of laying her down and kissing all the way up her legs to reach my jack pot when she said 'so do you still need me to call your phone?'

I smiled at the way she was looking at her feat nervously handing me her phone.

I took it and dialled my number after two seconds my ring tone sounded from my pocket and she looked at me confused for a second before registering what i had done.

'you cheekey bastard' she laughed.

'thats me' i said with a wink.

she laughed and waved at the rest of the guys shyly. They all said their hellos but continued to eye rape her.

'i- i have to go.' she stuttered nervously, not used to this kind of attention.

'im going to walk her home' i said truning to wave to the guys.

'like i would show you where the hell i live, dream on.' she said walking away infront of me 'im going homewithout you'

'nope' I said popping the 'p' 'i'm going to walk you home because I need my jumper and you probably don't want guys looking at you like meat'

she took a deep breath in and I smirked at how her heart rate increased when she was backed into me.

'fine' she said before pulling away and jogging towards the entrance of the park. I easily chased after her. But she squealed when she felt me running after her out of instinct and sped up. I sped up and pinched her butt.

She yelped and turned around to pummel me with punches but I just laughed and pretended to fall on her which ended up me pinning her against a wall.

'I'm dying you killed me' I moaned pretending to feign being hurt. she gave me a weird look and whispered 'pussy' before trying to push me off her.

Me being 6ft 4 and a lot heavier than her was not really affected by her feeble attempts to push me of her. 'kiss them better' I said lifting up my shirt and pointing to my abs which she used as a punch bag. Her eyes bulged and she looked up to the sky blushing. I smirked at the effect I had on her. 'go on kiss them better'

She looked back at my abs and then in my eyes and then she bolted out of the park. I was quick to follow and chase her all the way to her house. as she neered her hous, she started to strip off my jumper, whilst running. Just as I was about to reach her, she opened and shut the front door locking me out with a myjumper in a pile by her door. I smirked and said loud enough for her to hear me, 'thanks for showing me where you live, it will make winning you over a lot easier'

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