Chapter 7

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She flinched away from my voice and the whole hall seemed to go quiet.

'I...I told Norah to leave you alone like you asked me to earlier.' she said in a fake innocent voice.

'oh yeah I did ask you to didn't I. Last weak wasn't it' I said pretending to relax my grip.

'yes last weak' she replied thinking I was going along with it. I tightened my grip on her. 'I wouldn't be surprised if I was talking to you because you do look like the farm animals'

I heard gasps from the girls around the room as I flung her away from me to the ground. I guess working hard on the farm gave me a lot of strength. I turned to face the ring of girls in front of me.

'I choose my friends so don't mess with me. Got it?' I said in a patronising voice. God I hate these stereotypical bitches. They really get on my nerves.

Without waiting for a response, I moved over towards Norah and for the second time today offered her my hand. She looked at me unsure before taking my hand and pulling herself up. I didn't agree with fighting but I had to stand up for Norah, it seemed this wasn't the first time this had happened.

'you are playing with fire' she said when we had walked away from the group of outraged fakes to our own little spot in the hall.

'don't worry, I don't get burnt' I replied with a smug look on my face.

She looked at me with a face of wonder before she embraced me in a hug. I love hugging so I hugged her strait back. However I was still confused as to why we where hugging.

She pulled back at looked at me before saying 'I haven't had a friend since Chelsea, who is one of the main bitches, which was in primary. I mean I know you might not think of me as a friend but I see you as a friend. I mean I get it if you don't like me you know its ok...'

she started to ramble but I just laughed and pulled her back into a hug. She stopped talking and hugged me back. We then pulled apart and I said 'so why aren't we having pe?'

It was a genuine question because we had been in the hall for over half an hour not doing any pe. 'I don't know apparently one of the schools sponsors is having a look around and the coach is talking with her.'

'schools sponsors?' I asked

'yeah some of the kids here are filthy rich and their parents compete by out donating to the school.' Norah replied.

I was going to voice my opinion when the shall went quiet and the noise of heels clicking on the ground filled the room. I slowly looked towards the people who had just entered.

There where a group of teachers who I think I vaguely recognised from seeing them in the corridor. The woman they where scurrying around was the most beautiful woman I think I have ever seen. She was about 50 and had clearly had some work done but she looked amazing for her age. She was wearing a business suit which matched her business persona.

She looked around the room with an ice impression which made the boys buff out their chest and the girls sit up strait. I didn't really understand why but I did lift myself slightly to match them. I sent Norah a questioning look but she sent me a look back that said please just be quiet.

'is this anyway to greet me?' said a cold voice from the woman who was now standing right in the middle of the hall.

I didn't know what she meant but when everyone stood up I followed their example. She then walked around in a circle carefully examining each individual. I didn't really understand what she was doing and to be honest she looked down right creepy.

However no one seemed to react in the same way as me. Most of the girls pouted and posed and the boys tensed their muscles. Mrs inspector as I'm now calling her looked at everyone individually judging them. She then stopped in front of me and her cold scowl turned into a smile. Her face looked warm and almost friendly. I looked around the room and some of the guys where nodding in approval whilst the girls looked at me as if they would die to be me right now.

I looked back at Mrs inspector and waited for her to say something. 'your new around here aren't you?' she said in more of a statement.

I was about to say 'well duh' but an image of my mother came into my mind and I mentally winced at the imaginary scolding she would give me if I acted like that. 'yes ma'am' I said in a tight voice to make it clear that it was forced politeness. I didn't like the way she kept looking me over and nodding to herself. I looked very perverted especially since I was only wearing black tight shorts and a dark grey vest top.

'I am Mrs Cambar. I run the most success full modelling agency in the world and I would like to offer you a job.' she said. She smiled at my bug eyed expression. Me? A model?

'don't look so shocked you must know you are of model material?' she said and then she added when my face confirmed I had no such self assurance 'my darling you only have to look at the boys faces in this room to realised they are thinking about you beneath them.'

I blushed so hard and I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I was to innocent to think about that I hadn't even had my first kiss for fuck sake! What made it worst though was a chorus of 'yep' and 'guilty as charge' and well more like her above me'. They didn't even deny it. Mrs Cambar looked at me with a glint of mischief in her eyes.

'my girl you are so easy to read. you blush to easily, i would bet you haven't even had a first kiss have you?' she said embarrassing me even further. I realised now that this was her tactic of getting me to agree to work for her, she was going to embarrass me into saying yes. And I was very easily embarrassed.

Everyone in the room was quiet and looking at me. The girls looked shocked and the boys looked... well like they where openly imagining me naked.

'well ill take that as a yes. Oh and also...' she said with another glint in her eyes but I was not prepared to hear what it was.

'fine fine fine I do it but no more about me and my innocence ok?' I said with my eyes closed.

'you have your self a deal'

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