Chapter 4

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once inside the school, I looked around for the school office. I saw the sign jutting out from the wall a few meters down the corridor so I made my way to it. I forgot to take notice to what was around me so I was taken completely by surprise when a person came barrelling into me. We both crashed to the floor but I landed a little more gracefully than the other person did. What I mean by this is I fell into a press-up position whilst the other girl fell into a bin.

I stood up and handed her my hand whilst trying to not break down crying with laughter. She looked at my hand and gaped back up at me. I don’t know what is wrong with people here but they all seem to look at me as if I'm inhumane ore something.

'why is everyone looking at me like that I meant I know I'm new and all but I don’t have the bubonic plague or anything' I said as I helped her our of her 'chair'.

'I-I'm sorry its just… are you a model?' she said still looking at me with awe.

Now it was my turn to give her the crazy eye 'erm… not the last time I checked'

Note to self do not drink the water around here I think it has an effect on brain cells.

I decided that this girl seemed sweet enough and seemed nice so I may as well try and make a friend. However one problem I didn’t know her name. 'my name is Bellatrix but you can call me Trix or Trixy. What’s your name?'

'Norah Smit' she said holding out her hand and straightening up. 'would you like me to show you around for today?'

I smiled at her and nodded whilst shaking her hand. I could help but laughed at the fake formality she had. It complimented her frizzy red hair and bright green eyes.

She led me to the office where I received my schedule and we compared. It turns out I have the majority of my classes with her except for English and maths because I'm in a higher set in maths and she's in a higher set in English.

As we made our way to our first class, French, I asked Norah a question that had been bugging me. 'why where there loads of guys outside the school if this is an all girls school?'

Norah looked at me for a second giving me the crazy eye before she said 'don’t you know? Oh well basically there are three schools that share these grounds because they are very large. This one, crescent high which is all girls. Then there's Black Wood Academy and then Thorn Sports Academy. The reason the guys where all outside is because the girls here are there possessions. They hate each other and compete with the girls and over sport.'

I chuckled 'wait the girls here are the guys possessions? That is so stupid.'

Norah looked at me with a sad expression 'I know it is but the girls here are very… loose. They will give themselves to the guys and the popular girls especially love the attention from them so flirt and … have s.e.x with both schools. This obviously starts fights between the boys.' she blushed and looked behind her when she spelled out sex which made me chock with laughter.

'that is sooooo sad and pathetic. Remind me not to talk to any of the guys' I said as we walked into the classroom which was empty because lessons don’t start for another ten minutes.

'Yeah it is but trust me you might want to just pick a side because the guys love new girls and you look like a super model so you will already be the talk of the schools. Of and word of warning, stay well away from the main gang of guys on either side. If they are after you, well good luck. But don’t worry they wont go after new meat if you don’t intrigue them.' she said looking at me with a smile.

'why are you smiling?' I said with a raised eyebrow. She was basically warning me about my death and there she was smiling?

'for some reason I have an inkling you are going to intrigue them more than a little' she said organising her work on the table.

'nah I don’t think I will, I will just make it clear that I don’t want to be part of their ridiculously childish games and if they don’t get the picture, I will ram it into their thick sculls.' I replied, satisfied with my plan. However all I got in response was Norah’s laughing. I turned and scowled at her. She held her hands up in defence but carried on laughing.

'one your 5ft what 4? when you scowl it is surprisingly scary you will have to teach me one day…' she started but I interrupted.

'im 5 ft 5 almost 6!' I said rather loudly which just made her start laughing again. I wasn’t even that much smaller than her she was only 5ft 8.

'secondly' she said when she calmed down 'that is the exact thing that will intrigue them'

'well fuck me' I said just as the teacher and the rest of the students filtered in. Intrigue them my ass I thought just as the teacher asked me to introduce myself.

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