Chapter 32

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(Quick note this is a changed version of chapter 32 see previous chapter for info)


They had taken me by complete surprise, one minute i was lazily racing towards the place i knew as my home, and the next minute i was frantically dodging bullets that where being aimed for my tyres. The shooters where hidden from my view, but all i knew was there where lots of them.

I got so near to the farm, that i could smell the roasting of the chimney, and i could smell my grandmas cooking, when reality kicked in. I was being shot at, and i was leading them to my home, where i would be cornered, along with my grandparents, my staff, and my animals. We would be sitting ducks on a shooting range.

It was when i turned around, that it all went wrong. A split second direction change, and both my wheels where taken out, and i lost control of the bike.

Knowing more danger stood with me on the bike as it flipped and skidded, than for me to roll to the ground, i jumped and hoped that if i rolled for long enough, then i would avoid getting hurt.

But who ever was after me wanted me to hurt, so a branch was thrown to collide with me, causing my leg to slam into it. The natural silence and serenity of the country side was broken by my scream as my body and my broken leg slammed into the ground, a collision so hard, that i was passed out on impact.

Zayn piled into one of the cars, not caring who was with him, not caring who's car it was. All he knew, was blood was about to be spilled, and if they didnt get there fast, then he knew it would be hers.


'Get her up' a gruff voice yelled, piercing through the cotton wool in my head. 'Thanks to your stupid brother giving us you, we can finally get our revenge for the death he caused.'

I heard the words clearly, and it all made sense, the man my brother had killed over drugs must have been someone in their gang.

I was suddenly shoved, but nothing was focusing, everything was moving in a blur, until i was far away from the ground, then sudden disconnected pain would start, before everything became dizzy, and then the ground was very close again.

I was shore there was more pain in my body, but i couldn't tell where, and i couldn't recall why. As i looked around, i could only see shapes and blurs, focusing on things that came close enough. But none of the human shapes came close enough for me to distinguish, the only thing i could see was the hand that kept hauling me up to my feet, and the boot that kept kicking me over.

It was a process that numbed me. A distant part of me was screaming to feel the pain, to stay awake. But nothing was focusing. Nothing was making sense. Why would i fight this pain. Why would i keep on fighting to stay in a world where i always lost people who i wanted to stay with.This world i knew i should be fighting to stay in was full of people who wanted me gone.

The one person who i loved with my whole heart was my father, and he died, leaving me to a shell of the loving woman my mother once had been. Though now, the woman who gave birth to me was a stranger. Someone who wanted me gone to prevent old memories, to allow her to move forward.

I had failed at making friends, the one person i wanted to be by my side even though i knew i shouldn't want him let me walk away without so much of a thanks after i defended him. Everyone knew Jordan was talking about him, but I'm just a passing piece in their game of chess.

As the boot kicked me harder in the back, i didn't try to break my fall. It was then, in the deafening cloud of peace created by the overwhelming pain, i decided that this world was not meant for me if my father wasn't in it with me. It was then, that i gave up.

The village flew into sight, and the roads became narrower and more bended. Zayn could hear whispered of hope from his gang either from over the monitor or if they where in the car. But they where blind. His gang didn't spot the heavy tyre tracks that they where chasing along. Zayn was not a blind fool. He knew how these gangs worked better than most. If Bellatrix Greyson was even alive, her reality would be worse than death. Zayn knew that wishing death on trixy was the nicest thing to do. But he couldn't. He hadn't been selfish when Alice walked out of his arms and into Jordan's bed. He had let her go, building a wall up against ever getting hurt again.

There was no point denying it, trixy had broken through his walls, but he had been to stubborn to see it. Only know, realising that watching trixy leave, feeling unloved and unwanted, could be the last memory he ever had of her, he realised that the girl who he caught of a window sill, and the girl who he dunked in a freezing cold bath was the girl he had been denying himself for a day to long. And that day to long could be the difference between his last memories of a living trixy.

Zayn knew that no matter who spilt trixys blood, it would be all over his hands.


The usually densely populated woods that surrounded the Greyson's family farm was almost abandoned. Even the wind kept its voice to a low whisper to the trees.

There was no noise as the girl was dropped at the base of the tree, a downward view of the farm. There was no way of knowing if the open eyes of the girl could see the view that would be her last. It was not even certain that the girl was alive.

Through broken bones and torn muddy skin, through ripped clothes, and matted hair, there was still a look of beauty that radiated through.

Through the quiet, the scrape of the metal echoed through the forest, followed by a sentence said in unison by two men kneeling at each side of the lifeless girl, both clasping one of her limp wrists.

They jumped out of the car, and zayn ran full speed to her. He could see her, but she couldn't see him.


'Only blood can quench the thirst of mourning.'

At the end of the sentence, both men in unison dragged their blades across the wrists of the girl. A single tear fell out of the girls eye, before the air was filled with gunshots and screams.

He saw in slow motion the silver blades being dragged across her wrists.  Red streams flowed out of the slits.

He was running as fast as he could, throwing down his gun that weights him down. He wanted to kill everyone here. But he didn't care about them at all. He just needed to get to her. And he knew the more blood that spilled, the lower her chance of survival. He was a huge target, but he didn't care. If it meant helping her quicker, then so be it.

'Come on trix stay with me' zayn shouted trying to stay calm ripping  his shirt off and applying a pressure bandage to the wounds.

'You have to be ok!' He shouted as he helped someone lift her onto something that he presumed to be a stretcher. He didn't know how long it had been, or how many deaths there had been. All he knew, was Bellatrix was going.

'No trixy no don't you dare leave me don't you dare' he screamed at the closing ambulance doors that separated him from her.

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