chapter 29

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Trixy's POV

The rest of the days that week flew by, and zayn and i semed to be ok i mean i knew he hated me and i pretended to hate him to, but underneeth, i trusted him. Im not saying i like him. Because i dont. But i feel like i can trust him.

jordan and his little group haddent been in school most of the week after his party, but he came in on the thurday afternoon. and boy was i made awear of it.

'oh god jordans back' chloe said looking in the direction of the cantein doors, like many of the other studants. i however ignored his presance and carried on the previous convocation i was having with tank about my farm. Though he was still listening, it was clear he was keeping an eye on Jordan.

'yo bitch' called jordan. i had a slight incling that it may have been me he was talking about. just a small one.

'i said yo bitch' he repeated shouting and slurring his words.

'is he drunk?' someone shouted loudly which caused everyone to laugh. i turned to look at an embarrased jordan who was clearly intoxicated unlike his friends who where trying to look tuff but couldnt hide the concern and anoince they where showing towards jordan.

'you' he said pointing at me and stumbling in my direction 'you betrayed me. your a little bitch you are'

i staied seated but looked him up and down in disgust 'hun to have betrayed you, i would have had to of gone out with you, and even chelsea has higher standards than that.'

'you think your so much better than everyone dont you, you think just because your dad died it gives you the excuse to think your better than you are.' he yelled falling onto some guy who shuved him of him to the floor. by this point, thankfully everyone was glaring at jordan. but sadly, people where throwing sympathetic looks to me, which i couldnt stand.

But jordan had way more to say. Way more than i could handle because what he did next would hurt more than a bullit to the heart.

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