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'Yeah she would loved this' i said lifting my shot glass and clinking it with the boys.'

Tank and Damien nodded in agreement as we looked over the ocean.

'Oh hell no!' Austin yelled jumping up and handing out three more shots each. I finally get engaged, and you lot are to old to celebrate with me?'

'Austin buddy we love you and we support you' tank started 'but i have three kids and chloe would kill me if i cant go home and help look after them. I mean the twins are only 2.'

Yeah your only on your third wait till your on your fourth' Damien chuckled knocking back the shots much to Austin's relief. 'Austin i love you buddy but I'm drinking because norah wants a fifth.'

At this we all choked up laughing Damien would bitch about norah all the time with us, but the second she was around he was whipped as fuck. He would give her twenty more kids if thats what she wanted.'

'Yeah well i would have loved to go to Spain or america but we couldn't because of....' Austin started, glaring at me.

'Hold that thought.' I said reaching to answer my phone. 'Hello?'

'Hey Zayn how much have you had to drink?' Chloe's voice filled the speaker sounding worried.

'Just about to have a shot...why?' I asked pausing the shot in its tracks to my lips.

'Well you probably don't want to have it.'

'Why?' I questioned slowly placing the shot down on the table.

'Well its just that I'm at the hospital.... Trixy has just gone into labour.'

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