Chapter 5

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Zayne's POV

I walked into the school after leaving one of the jocks chicks in the janitors closet. I wont describe what happened it there but lets just say... her lips gave my little man a hug.

I entered my school - Black Wood Academy - and nodded at some of the guys who where saying hello. I am well respected in this school and to a certain degree the other two schools because I am my fathers air to the gang and people know its suicide if you mess with me.

'ZAYNE MY MAN!' came a loud holler from the back of the class I had just stepped into. I didn't even have to look to know it was Aaron one of my close men. I looked towards our seats at the back and smirked nodding my head in acknowledgement.

I didn't even take into account who the teacher was because why bother? They aren't going to give me any grief. They never do.

As I sat down in the middle of the row, a buzz of voices flew at me. I couldn't acknowledged what any of them where saying so I held my hand up and they all dropped silent. I looked instinctively to Tyler who is my personal informer. His job in the gang is to know everything about the situation and tell me. He along with the others are like brothers to me. But that doesn't mean I am not the boss.

Without even saying a word, he started to speak. I lent back on my chair folding by arms behind my head and closing my eyes. 'dude where the hell where you earlier. You missed the arrival of the hottest chick I have ever seen. I haven't had time to look her up yet because it only just happened' he said nervously at his slip up I gave him a pointed two second stare before closing my eyes again. He took this as a carry 'man she is HOT.'

I smirked knowing full well one of us was going to have to claim her as one of our girls at break so we can make the jocks jealous. 'who got a picture?' I asked casually with my eyes still closed. I waited for a few seconds and took the silence as my answer. 'This girl better be fucking gorgeous or your all lacking for no reason' I said with a menacing smirk. Yes I know I sound harsh and all but I have to. Other people are listening into this convocation so I have to make it clear to them that I take on no slackers.

Once the bell rung, we started to walk out of the class and towards the grounds. Everyone in all the three schools are banished out of the school and onto the grounds during break and lunch so I was sure to get a look at this new girl.

I felt someone jump on my back causing me to stumble out of shock. I was about to fight whoever it was but I recognised the body almost instantly so I carried on walking. 'hey Tyson. Can you check my back, I think I have bird crap on it.'

Tyson being... Tyson took a few second to register that I was talking about Aaron who was obviously clinging to me.

'oi man not cool' said Aaron as he detached himself from my back.

We made our way to our usual spot. It was on a hill in the grounds and it allowed us to see the rest of the studant body and especially the jocks who sat near the playing fields. A distance away but not far enough to prevent the usual fights.

As soon as we sat down, all the guys where looking around and not so subtly for the new girl. I however was looking at our girls who where talking to some of the lower jocks. We knew these kind of girls and they would do anything for a popular boy but not for a jock of that lower group.

Before you go judging me, its not me who made up the jocks systems, you have my ass of a cousin to thank for that. He is the 'main jock' and I am the future gang leader. Its a long story but it ends with our two sides of the family falling out and me and Jordan hating each other.

'Tyler I need to know why some of our poplars are talking to those jocks. They aren't in Jordan's little group so wouldn't usually take interest.' I said in an authoritative voice. I instantly heard the clicking of Tyler's phone and I admired the speed he worked at. There was a reason we where such an organised gang, everyone pulled their own wait.

'she is just over there' said Damien after checking the school cameras. Yes Damien is the gadget man of the group. He can hack pretty much anything and knows almost everything to do with electronics.

We all looked over towards the building Damien was referring to. We waited for a few seconds before I started to become impatient. Patience has never been a strong quality in me. I stood up and started to walk in the direction she was supposedly in. I heard a few of the guys chuckle behind me before they followed.

As we came near the corner, I heard voices.

'hey princess, what's someone as fine as you doing over here with a looser' said a voice I knew and hated, harry brown. Jordan's wing man.

'I am thinking the same thing so why don't you move on and solve the problem' came an angelic voice that I have never heard before. Obviously the new girl because none of the girls talk back. Yes the girls in this school really are as pathetic as they sound.

'excuse me?' came harries voice at the same time a small squeaky voice said 'no she didn't mean it Trixy... please'

That squeaky voice, I recognised it... I looked at Aaron questioningly. He knew all the girls names whilst I couldn't give a flying fuck. 'frizzy ginger' he chuckled.

Ahh yes I know the one. She is one of those nerds who once upon a time where friends with one of the popular.

'did I stutter?' was the new girls response.

'ill give you a stutter' came a menacing voice from harry. I took this as my que to introduce my self. We rounded the corner and came into Harry's line of sight. We where behind Trixy so we could only see her back and her behind. I am no way on earth complaining though.

She has a petite frame and from what I can see a muscular hour glass figure. Her waist is very thin and her hips are wider. Her butt... well how do I describe it without causing my lil' man to stand to attention.

Her chocolate brown hair was in perfect ringlets and her hands where on her hips in what I presumed was a protective stance in front of ginger.

I think she felt our presence because she turned to cast her eyes over all of us analysing us from head to toe. Without showing any emotion she turned back to harry and cheekily waved him good bye.

He gave her a threatening glare before he stormed by us. Giving me a glare as well. Ginger hadnt noticed us because she started to babble.

'Trixy' she wined 'what did I say don't get noticed you know they are all trouble!'

I was about to interject thinking that she wouldn't reply knowing we where here but she surprised me by saying 'I will make it clear to each and every one of them if I have to.' she turned so she was facing us and said 'they can fuck off'

She smirked at our shocked expressions. She looked at me before winking and pulling ginger away with her. Only when she started to walk away did ginger notice us. She looked at us mouth agape as she rounded the corner with Trixy, out of sight.

I looked at the boys all astonished. They wore similar expressions on their faces as well. I recovered and smirked 'we will just have to work our magic in pe'

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