chapter 19

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Zayn's POV

I smirked looking at confused blue eyes she then looked at me and my legs resting on the chair she used to jump up there.

I smirked at her causing her to scowl. Teasing her was too much fun. 'do you need a hand' I said smirking at her'

'don't worry I wouldn't take your hand away from you' she retorted not missing a beat. She then looked at tank - Tyson - and batter her eyes and pouted her lips.

He rolled his eyes and stood up easily lifting her from the window sill. She walked over to the desk with a black book and handed it to the teacher open on one page.

Mr Radford's eyes bulged as he studied whatever she had done. 'you did these?' he said with an astonished voice.

He tore his eyes to look at her questioningly.

'I- I... y-yes' she stuttered making pretty much every guy swoon for her cuteness. Excluding me of course.

He then stood up and moved to show her work to us but she grabbed it off him and clutched it to her chest.

'you should show people, you have a skill' he said softly to her.

'I don't want to' she replied looking at her book and walking back to us. She looked at tank and he smirked at her effortlessly lifting her up onto the sill.

The room was quiet for a while everyone just looking at Trixy wondering what was in the book.

After we came out of our daze, Mr Radford moved on inspecting other peoples work. Tank turned to me with an amused face.

'what?' I said looking at him

'dude she weighs like nothing, I think I could pick her up with my pinky' he chuckled looking over to Trix who was silently watching the world out of the window with a calm and peaceful look on her face.

I kept watching her silently. She amused me and a smile fought its way onto my face as I recalled our text fight from earlier. I knew Jordan was messing around with other girls pretending to be loyal to Trixy even if they weren't together. For some reason I didn't feel like she deserved that.

Before you ask no I didn't have any kind of feelings for her, i just like to piss her of, but some part of me was saying that I want to be the only one to piss her off.

'Right boys' Mr Radford called before his eyes darted to Trixy 'and girl, we are going to the canteen to get food and then coming straight back here'

tank stood up to help Trixy down but she smiled and said 'no don't worry I have food'

I saw straight through her lie but didn't question it. She looked at me and panic flew through her eyes because it was clear I knew she was lying but I let it go. She probably forgot her money or something.

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