Chapter 8

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Zayne's POV

As they shook hands and walked out of the sports hall, the room erupted into talking. I stayed quiet for a second observing how the girls started to talk about Trixy like she was their idol and how the guys vividly described how they would take her and 'make her a woman'. from meeting her earlier, i knew she would throw a fit if she could hear the convocations. I chuckled to myself about how she would probably cause the fertility rate of this school to go down.

I looked over to see the ginger kid that trixy seemed to have befrended sitting on her own looking slighty lost now that trixy had gone.

I turned to Aaron 'what's the gingers name?'

'urm... Norah smit of smirt i'm not sure. Why?' he questioned

'i dont know, i just find it not strange but... unusual the hot new girl makes friends with the hot populars, but trixy made friends with a lonar... and now the schools just seem a bit fucked up.' I said voicing my opinions.

The guys looked at me for a second then nodded their heads, showing that they agreed with me, that this trixy was deffonatly different.

'so Trixy hu? Said Tyson elbowing me in the ribs I gave him a do you want to continue because I don't think you should face but he ignored it.

'you seem awfully keen on her, may you have a slight interest in her?' he said. I don't know why people jump to conclusions that I'm interested in her I mean I don't know the girl... but on looks then yeah maybe. She was fucking hot.

'nope' I said popping the 'p' it was the truth. Though I did think she was hot, I had a girlfriend at the moment who was exceptionally good in bed. trixy just didnt seem to be side chick material.

'oh okay well then you wouldn't mind if I had a pop at her?' he asked, I just shrugged in responce. Of course I didn't I didn't know the girl and she would probably end up being a slut. Though being her first would be a sense of accomplishment. I shrugged it of no doubt I would have her at one point of another. I always get what I want.

'hey babe' said a high shrilly voice I winced at the pitch and was about to shout at whoever it was to leave me alone, but then I remembered... that voice belonged to my 'girlfriend'.

I turned to face her and I saw that she was about to start speaking. I like my gang to have ears that work so I pulled her onto my lap and started to kiss her. What ever she was about to say melted away into the kiss. She was an ok kisser I guessed but I really hated the taste of her lip stick so I pulled away and wiped my lips to remove it. Sadly though, she seemed to remember what she was about to say so she started rambling, makeing me tune out the bullshit.

'cut to the point Chelsea' I said whilst pinching the bridge of my nose.

'baby you never listen or protect me from anything. You only call me when you want me to suck or fuck you and you never return the favour when I'm in need. And you never buy me expensive stuff any more. You even forgot our two month anniversary baby.' I just looked at her with an amused expression. This seemed to aggravate her more as she stood up and stormed away. She then turned and shouted at me 'we are so over have fun with your hand because you will never get someone like me again!'

The whole room went quiet and I said calmly 'thank the lord'

she stomped her heal and walked straight over to the jocks. I shrugged it of and turned to face the guys. This was not the first time she had had a little out burst at me and she always came cruelling back. Though she was my girlfriend, I never claimed her as my girl because I know she was whoring around with everyone. But then again so was I.

I looked around the room and noticed a lot of girls batting their eyes and me and showing their chests to me. i turned to the boys and said 'might become single more often, though a relationship never seems to stop me'.

I was just about to call one over when the hall once again went silent and Trixy came bounding into the room. She looked like an excited kitten. All the males in the room seamed to puff out their chests and some even cat called her.

She made her way over to the corner where norah was sitting. Even though the convocations seemed to pick up again, i noticed that like myself, every one especialy the guys - seemed to be watching trixy as she bounced with excitement, telling norah everything.

Sadly me watching her caused me to see my asshole of a cousin approaching trixy, cockily looking back at his mates who where cheering him on.

'hey your Trixy right?' he asked, his voice carrying over the now hushed room.

'yeah i am.' she said in a slightly bored tone, turning back to Norah.

'Jordan, im jordan.' he said nervously, not having expected her to react this way. When she meerly looked at hm as a responce, he caughed and carried on speaking 'I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party I'm having later this weak?'

'thanks but no thanks' she said with a smile. Jordan looked at her and was about to protest when I said 'she said no'

Trixy slowly turned to look at me with an eyebrow raised. i smiled cheekily at her and she rolled her eyes before turning back to norah as if nothing happened.

'i didnt ask for your input.' jordan said coldly, some of his goones walking over to back him up.'

'but i gave it to you anyway.' i said standing up with my boys their to back me up. tyler looked at me excited for the first fight of this year.

however we where interupted from our little fight by trixy walking inbetween up and norah hurrying after her. she stopped and looked jordan in the eye and then me in the eye before she smirked, but i think everyone could she that she was scared.

'do you really need to talk every problem out with fists, its just pathetic.' she then glared at both of the groups, any fear she had forgotten 'and i am my own perso, I know how you think you 'own' the girls here, but im not like that. just leave me alone and ill leave you alone. if you dont... we will have a problem.'

with that, she stormed past all of us with norah and walked out of the hall, letting the door close behind her with a slam.

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