Chapter 12

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Trixy's POV

I stepped out of my shower which had helped but only slightly to sooth my sore muscles. I had jogged around town before going to the park and the intense run home had defiantly not helped my body.

I slipped into my pyjamas which consisted of a tight purple cropped vest top and black booty shorts. It may sound sluttish but I couldn't sleep in anything more because it made me feel trapped and to hot.

I decided to put on a chocolate mask that actually tasted of chocolate - don't ask how I know- and went downstairs to get some water.

the side of the kitchen has a glass wall with some glass dors which open up to the garden.

As soon as I entered the room, I felt like someone was staring at me. I looked around the kitchen to see a dark figure standing in the garden, leaning against the tree near the decking, hidden by the darkness but still clearly visable.

'WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU?' I said rather loudly, my voice travelling to him vis the open window.

The figure straightened up and menacingly waved at me by bending his fingers I would have approached him to see who he was, but the thing that stopped me was something was catching the light. Then it dawned on me, the man had a knife.

He turned his head to me and said in a gruff voice which i had never heard before but is now ingraved in my head 'i mean you know harm, just doing my job'

'who for who are you working for? what is your job?' i yelled scared out of my skin.

'till nest time... bellatrix greyson' he said before jumping over the fence.

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