Minsung (Stray Kids)🤰

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Top: Minho
Bottom: Jisung (Han)
Plot: Jisung is sleeping and he suddenly wakes up to bad contractions and a wet bed. He realized that his water broke and wakes Minho up immediately and they went to the hospital

3rd POV
Jisung woke up to a really bad contraction and a wet bed. "Ahh fuck, Minho wake up please" Minho's eyes shot open when he heard Jisung whining for him to get up "What's wrong king?" "Hospital, now" Minho got up and got dressed and gently dressed Jisung and then they left.

Once they got to the hospital, the nurse took Jisung into a room and shortly after she got him into a hospital gown and laid him on the bed gently. Then she let Minho visit him. "I can't wait to meet our baby boy" Minho said, as he softly rubbed Jisung's belly "Me too". They continued talking until Jisung's water broke again. "Minho I have to push now, I can't wait" Minho pressed the button and the doctors and nurses came right away

"OK, Han follow my lead and push when I say, OK?" "Yes"  "1, 2, 3 push!!" Jisung scream as he pushed as hard as he could "Breathe" Jisung grabbed Minho's hand and held onto it "Come on baby, you can do it" Minho said a Han nodded "Push!" Han pushed as hard as he could while squeezing Minho's hand "Come on baby" Minho said as he connected their foreheads "One more and he'll be here" "Push now!" Han pushed his hardest before baby cries were bouncing off the walls and he saw the nurse holding baby

~Few hours later~

Han was on the hospital bed sleeping with Jeongin in his arms and on the other hand, Minho was snapping pictures while he could because Han would get shy when Minho takes pictures of him. Han woke up a few minutes later to Jeongin crying "What's wrong baby?" Jeongin moved his head closer his mommy's chest and Han knew what he wanted. Jeongin was hungry so Han got him latched onto his nipple and Jeongin stopped crying and drunk his mommy's milk. Just in time, Minho snapped a picture and Han looked at Minho then looked away shyly "How many do you have because I know you took some more?" "I have a whole bunch" "Babyyyyyy" "What?!? You were cute holding him" Just then, Jeongin started whining, and Jisung couldn't find out what was wrong 😑 "Let me hold him" Jisung gave Jeongin to Minho and shortly after Jeongin stopped crying and fell asleep

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