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Caregiver: Johnny
Little: YangYang
Requested by: yangyangisherenow
Plot: Johnny is a strict mafia leader and has a little baby named YangYang. He has to bring YangYang with him to a meeting because Johnny killed the previous babysitter because she abused YangYang. YangYang throws a tantrum over something and he gets put in time out.

Johnny POV

I was on the way to my meeting with the rest of my group named NCT that has 22 members including me. I had to bring my baby with me so now her is in the back in his car seat sleeping since it was a long drive (4 hours with breaks, 3 without).

We were at out last break and I had to wake up YangYang "Baby, come on, bathroom time" I said but he didn't move so I got out that car and went into the back seat with him "Baby" He let out a "hmm" "Bathroom time" "Tarry me" YangYang said making grabby hands at Johnny.

Johnny picked up YangYang on his back and they made their way into the gas station that they stopped at.

~After using the bathroom~

"Dada, I want tandy" YangYang said with puppy eyes "No candy today baby, or your gonna be up late at night" "Aww" YangYang said with the saddest tone ever "I'm sorry baby" "It's otay".

They got back in the car and drove the last few minutes of the way and then they arrived. "Wow, dada work wook pwetty" YangYang's eyes sparkled at the view of the big building in front of him. "Come on baby, don't you want see your uncles?" YangYang looked at Johnny "All Yangie's uncles here?" "Yeah" "EVEN TEN UNCLE?" "Yes baby, now let's go"

3rd POV

They walked into the building and everyone adored YangYang. They were talking to him in baby voices and other things. "Come on baby, uncles are in here" Johnny walked into the room and everyone was there "TEN UNCLE!!" YangYang ran over to Ten and gave him a big hug "Hi baby" Ten said while giving him a pat on the head "So you don't love Hendery uncle, I'm sad" Hendery said while wiping his imaginary tears.

"I do wove you" YangYang said while hugged Hendery and he gave all the others hugs and then they started the meeting.

~A few minutes later~

YangYang was hungry so he asked Johnny for some food but Johnny said not right now and now YangYang is on the floor rolling around screaming and crying "Get up now" "IM HUNGRY AND I WANT FOOD NOW!!!!" "GET UP YANGYANG IM NOT TELLING YOU AGAIN" Johnny yelled

"NOOOOO IM HUNGRY" YangYang screamed into the floor "That's it" Johnny grabbed YangYang by the arm and took him to his office "What the hell is wrong with you?!" "I hungwy" YangYang said through hiccups "And your having a damn tantrum about that?!" YangYang just looked at Johnny.

"Sit your ass in that corner and your getting spankings when we get home" "Nooooooooo" Johnny have YangYang a glare and YangYang walked over to the corner and sat there until the meeting was over and they all went him and lets just say YangYang was crying himself to sleep.

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