Ena and Reader Hcs (Platonic)

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You and she have loads of fun adventures together! The world Ena lives in is so grand and abstract, it's hard not to get caught up in her webcore paradise. There are so many things to see and so many routes to take, and she always finds it most fun with her grandest friend (and Moony)! In her world, the shenanigans you may get into are so otherworldly, but to her, it would basically be a normal hang-out! For you, it's a whole new experience.

She has a lot of swings, so you oftentimes need to snap her out of it. When she's happy, she's VERY happy (considering she's with you)! Since you are so close, she's trusting of you. She's a stubborn soul yes, but you're one of those people she'd rather not give trouble (she is a sophisticated person when she's happy, but she's also a bit of snark. That's pretty easy to tell). But she never gets snarky with you! In fact, she's got quite the energy. Whenever she has a swing, she just needs you beside her. Talk to her, it will calm her down quickly and bring the yellow side right back in a jiff.

She often feels inferior, as you are such a fantabulous friend to her through thick and thin! She wants to spoil you, and does her best to! She especially loves surprising you, though she never wants to get over the top about it. She wants to keep things more casual, like how things work in your world. That includes friendship bracelets and matching shirts (that can fit her polygon anatomy well enough.

She adores just fucking around and getting wacky! In her world, or in your own. In hers, basically, anything you can imagine is on the table. In yours, she thinks it's cool to try all the neat hang-out spots. If you guys can manage it, something like the mall maybe. Oh! Pulling pranks on Moony! That sounds like an interesting feat.

So many hugs. You will get so many hugs from her, she loves them! Side hugs are more likely than front ones. She's gotta manage to hold you without making you hit any sharp edges. Give her hugs and her head will be spinning. Especially if she's in a distressed state, it helps her greatly. She knows hugs are one way of giving someone appreciation and affection, so she finds it fit to give them to her bestest pal!

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