You Have No Choice

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"I'll try more harder next time Mr.Clark".I mumbled under my breath while sighing, My algebra teacher was getting in my ass since I scored a 75 on my last test, Im mean 75 is still passing rite?? Ughh, the only reason why I got that low was because I couldnt study, all becuase of a certain "someone" and his friends were beating me up after school in the locker room,

Chresanto -.-

The one person I could truly and honestly say that has soooo much hate for me in this world, and the reason is????? NOTHING :D

I--i-I just dont get it, ever since freshmen year, he started to pick on me, I didnt do anything to him, I was just your normal teenage misfit going to school, trying to get their eduaction, but nooo, I couldnt be, I couldnt have the normal life cause of Chres and his friends teasing me every day, and every where I go, while everybody else in school just sits back, enjoys the show and laughs at my pain :/

I deeply inhaled a breath while nodding my head, not even paying attention as Mr.Clark began to go on and on about how I need to focus more on my studies, and how I could do much better if I just "set my mind on things", when suddenly, the final bell rung making a smirk tug on my lips.

"Okay Mr.Clark, it was nice speaking to you but I have to get home".I quickly rushed out the classroom into the hallway as I immediatley got bumped into by others. I rolled my eyes, rude e.e

I fixed the strap of my bag higher on my shoulder as I headed to my locker, Im so glad schools over, well actually scracth that, Im KINDA glad, I'll be positively glad, once Im home SAFE and SOUND, away from chres and his friends, I gulped thinking about ealier, "See you after school buddy". Chres's words played in my head as I approached my blue colored locker, I dont know how many more beatings I can take from them, making up excuses to my mom is really getting old, and I know for a fact Mi Mama will be up at this school in a heart beat if she found out somebody was hurting me.

I groaned wearily while putting in my combination as I opened my locker, "Hopefully he forgot".I whispered to myself while putting my books away, grabbing my gray skull sweater as I shut my locker door, immediatley my body jumped as the person who was hiding behind it came to view.

"Hello Perez, ready to hang out". Chres spoke with sarcasm in his voice as he suddenly grabbed my shoulders, pulling my body to who knows where as I struggeled to get out of his grip.

"C-Chr-chres please".I stuttered in fear as he didnt speak, instead he looked back at me, staring deeply into my eyes as he cocked his brow, my face scrunched as I looked back into his, and then suddenly with a low huff, he rolled his brown colored pupils and began to pull me again, making a frown form on my lips.Dman man..

I bit hard on the inside of my lip as Chres suddenly began to take me down to the basement of the school, my body began to tremble as I quickly went down the steps with him as my eyes suddenly rested onto the room he was taking me to, my heart immediatley began to pound as my eyes widened, "No". I mumbled in fear,

guessing Chres herd me cuase he chuckled rite after.

"NO!, NO, NO!" I began to yell franticly while Chres's grip became harder on me as we approached the two grey metal doors, he swiftly opened one, as my eyes landed onto Craig and Ray, but the object that was behind them made me frightned the most,

the pool

Why??, well becuase I didnt know how to swim even if my life depended on it, I knew that, Chres knew that, Ray, Craig, THEY ALL KNEW, :(

Small sweat beads began to form on my forehead as Chres suddenly let his grip go, well not before furiosly pushing me to the ground.

I groaned while my body went down with a loud "thump" as Chres, Craig &Ray luaghed, I averted my eyes onto them, giving them a cold glare, "You ready to go swiming Perez"?Chres suddenly spoke with a smirk while I frowned in return."No". I hissed back to him, biting my bottom lip while he just shrugged, "Its not like Im giving you choice anyways"? He raised his brows as his hands found their way to them hem of his shirt, quickly lifting it off his body so now his chest was exposed.

My eyes reluanctualy went down to his perfect abs, fucking gym addicter.

I narrowed my pupils as Chres smirked at me.

"Ight guys".Chres spoke to Ray and Craig while nodding his head upwards to them,They both nodded in return as they suddenly began to make their way towards the exit, leaving me alone with Chres.

I gulped deeply as a big knot began to form in my throat, "Finally alone with my buddy".Chres spoke with happiness in his tone as my face showed nothing but fear.

My eyes slowly watched him as he began to walk towards me, I reluantcly began to crab walk backwards since I was to scared to get up and run."Awww dont be afriad Perez".Chres began to pick up his steps when my back suddenly landed onto the surface of the white creamed colored wall,

"Chres d-dont do this".I whispered in a panting breath as I watched him kneel down to my level.

He slowly slicked his thick tongue across his bottom lip, as his hands suddenly grabbed my hips, pushing my body up so I was closer to him, "Like I said Perez".He growled to me "You have no choice"...

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