Private Lessons Pt.2

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"CHRES!!" I yelled fustratingly as I sat on the edge of the pool.

This HAS to be the 10th time that Chresanto "accidentally" splashed me in the last 5 minutes.

I herd him chuckle "My bad Perez, I didnt see you there."

Nigga -_-

"Okay, all jokes aside when are you gonna teach me anything cause uhhh". I clasped my hands together, " For the time being you havent taught me nothin yet." My eyes stayed on Chres's as he pursed his lips to the side.

"Ight." He nodded his head, "Your mentor will teach you something rite now." Chres bit his lip as he slowly swam over towards me, he stopped still once he was infront of my dangiling feet.

"Uhhh I-i dont think I-i wanna get into the water yet." My hands were basiclly scracthing the concrete ground while I took in a deep gulp.

Chresanto immediately sucked his teeth, "Now how am I going to teach you how to swim without you getting in the damn water."

Easy for him to say -_-

I just shrugged nonchantly, "You said it yourself, YOUR the sexy mentor." I smirked while Chres scolded me.

"Hardy har har Perez." His hands slowly trailed up my spreaded apart legs as they stopped firmly on my hips.

"Umm what are you doing >.> ?" My heart felt like it picked up 10 times more speed, "Gettin you in the water." Chres spoke in a deep breath while he raised my body off of the edge and now in the pool.

Immediately my arms clunged around his neck as I released a high picth squeal.

"D-Dont let me go." I stuttered in fear while my scared pupils stayed on the blue-clear colored water.

Chres just chuckeled while his grip on my hips tightened, "Wuss". He mumbled under his breath making me purse my lips.

I flicked his ear, "Meany." I whispered back as we suddenly came to a stop.

"Alrite Perez." Chres spoke in a soft tone while his grip slowly began to loosen forcing my body in the water, oh hell no!

"Noooo!, what are you doing?!?!" I screamed franticly while my hands firmly clunged and pressed on the back of his neck as my legs wrapped around his waist for dear life.

I heard Chres groan in fustration, "What the fuck Perez." He hissed out, "Let go of me now." He spoke demandingly while I just shook my head, "No." I mumbled out as Chres kissed his teeth.

"I swear," He chuckeled, "Im giving you 5 seconds to let me go or were both going down."

He actually did sound serious but did I care? Nope!

My response to him was my legs gripping harder around his waist.

"Fine." Chres stubborningly mumbled as he began to count down.


Oh god, oh god, oh god!


This is it, this is it, Im really gonna die.


Shit, fuck I didnt even get to do anything in life, Hell, I didnt even have my first kiss yet.!


"I love you Marleni." I whispered out since she was the only girl I probably would of had a chance with, I closed my eyes tight when suddenly.

"Marleni"? Chres mumbled in confusion pausing from his countdown.

DAMN IT!, FUCK! He herd that shit.

My eyes didnt even have to go to his face to see the smirk that was plastered on it.

"What did I tell you the other day about liking my cousin." Chres spoke in a chuckle as his hands suddenly found my back, slowly they slid up my skin and rested on the middle section.

"I-i". My mouth would'nt even let me speak since I was tongue tied out of fear.

Chresanto released a small laugh, "Hmm guess Im gonna have to remind my buddy what happens when he dosent listen to me."

And with those last words Chres suddenly used all his strength to dunk me and him in the water.

"Aaaaahhhh!!" I screamed during my last breath of air when my eyes suddenly began to stung from the bleached liquid that was surronded around me.

That asshole -_-

I tried moving my body to the surface, but there was no use.

I could'nt do anything.

I soonly felt the water enter my body as my chest began to hurt from the pain.

Slowly I became weaker & weaker when finally everthing went black............


"C-come on Perez." I herd a faint voice callin my name while I felt hands pressed against my bare chest.

"Wake up." The voice whispered out, when suddenly I felt a pair of lips on mines.


Who the?

My heavy eyelids slowly began to uncloth making me see a sight that made my heart skip a beat.

It was Chres's lips ontop of mines >.>


I immediately gripped his shoulders and pushed his body away from mines. Quickly I sat my body up and wiped my mouth with the back of my hand.

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU DOING!!" I yelled at him while his brows furrowed in confusion.

"Uhh saving your life?!" His eyes squinted as I bit my lip in fear.

Roughly I combed my fingers through my curls while I closed my eyes.

W-why did It felt so rite when he "kissed" me, why did my heart skip a beat, I-I mean I dont actually like Chres or anything.

I-Im not gay.

I bit my bottom lip harder.

For heaven sakes the guy is MY bully!!

I shook my head while I began to massage & soothe my tensed temples when suddenly I herd Chres's curious voice.

"What is your problem Perez"? He mumbled out while I felt his hand on my shoulder, immediately I opened my eyes and pushed it off my shaking skin.

"N-nothing." I stuttered as I stood my body up.

Chresanto just sat on the ground looking confused as ever.

"Are you sure?" He mumbled out making me fastly nod my head as my eyes couldnt stay off his lips.


"Ummm C-chres c-can we finish this up tomorrow, c-cause I have to go." I nervously rubbed the back of my neck while I wacthed Chres shrug, "Sure." He spoke nonchantly as I fastly turned my body around and began to head to the double doors.

Chres's sudden voice made me pause on the way out.

"I'LL MAKE SURE IM NOT LATE FOR TUTORING AGAIN!" He yelled to me as I gave him a risen thumbs up for a response.

I then quickly made my way to the locker room, grabbing my stuff not even bothering to change out of my swim trunks as I slipped on my cheetah print sneakers and headed out the door.

What am I gonna do, why am I feeling like this.

I sighed wearily while quickly hurrying up the stairs when a sudden thought popped in my head.

Chresanto August was my first kiss.

I placed two of my fingers on my lips while I began to think about moments ago, my body shivered,

Fuck man that was a heart stopping first kiss............

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