Confessions In The Locker Room PT.2

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"W-what?" I mumbled in disbeliefe, my heart was beating to fast in my chest for me to even handle.

Chres slowly then brung his gaze to me looking deep within my eyes.

"I said I love you Perez." His tone was all types of seriousness while my response to him was a low whimper.

Chres's brows immediately rose up, "Y-you dont feel the same way, d-do you Perez." He croaked out with a frown.


I fastly shook my head while my hand cupped his cheek.

"I-i do, I-i mean no, wait!, I mean.."

I lowered my head while biting on my lip.

"I-im just so confused." I sighed, "One minute you hate me, calling me names, pushing me around, and the next youurr." I rose up my head with a gulp while Chres blew out his minty breath, slowly leaning his face forward so our foreheads were now pressed.

"Im what Perez?" He licked his lips while I decided to remain silent.

"The next minute Im making your body shiver." Chres whispered with a cocked brow.

"The next minute Im making your heart pound." His hands slowly slid down my chest, his touch making my skin burn with desire.

"And then in that last minute." Chres bit his lip with a chuckel, eyes remaining on my body.

"The last minute I make you want me." Chres's fingers suddenly hooked the front waist band of my swim trunks, forcing me to moan in an instant.

"Just face it Perez."

Chresanto groweled through clenched teeth as he began to massage the thin material, "You want this as much as I do." I immediately gulped from his words, he has no idea...

Without no words then being said, Chres suddenly grabbed my body & laid me against one of the wooden benches in the room.

Me on the bottom with him ontop.

I slowly looked up at Chres with innocent eyes while his head was tilted, his gaze focused intently on me.

"You're so beautiful." He whispered as he ran his fingers through my curls.

My eyelids suddenly began to feel to heavy while my lips began to tremble.

"Tell me Perez." Chres mumbled as he brung his lips down to the side of my face, his seductive voice directly in my ear.

My breath cuaght in my lungs as his mouth touched me.

"T-Tell you what." I said breathlessly, slowly I felt his lips peck my skin, beginning to leave a trail as he traveled from my neck down to my chest.

When Chres's mouth reached the edge of my shorts I froze.

"w-what are you doing." I croaked, slightly, he lifted his head up as his thick tongue slicked out his mouth and ran across my waist line.

"UUHHH!" I screamed while bucking my hips forward, head tilted back in pleasure.

"Tell me Perez." Chresanto hissed his words through clenched teeth.

"I-i dont k-know what t-to tell you." I stuttered to him, my chest heaving in exhuastion.

Chres then sucked his teeth with rolled eyes.

"Wrong answer buddy." He spoke cockily making my face scrunch when suddenly his mouth lacthed onto the knot on my swim trunks, slowly begining to untie it with his sharp teeth.

Immediately I started to freak, what was he planning on doing!

"C-chres?" I said worried, h-he really wasnt gonna take my virginity in a locker room, was he?

"Shhhhs." He whispered while I felt my trousers go loose, slowly Chres pulled them down making my "friend" spring up.

"Fuck your so big." Chresanto groweled making me blush.

Focusing then, Chres kept his eyes intently on mines while wrapping his hand around my shaft, a hiss erupting loudly from my throat.

"Imma make you mines Perez." He breathed, "Tell me your mines Perez, tell me." His lips brushed on the tip of my shaft, making my hips buck forward, breaths harder than before.

"D-do it again, pleasseee." I begged him, trying to pull him closer to me by his short curls but he refrained.

"Tell me then." He groweled.

"Fuck Chresanto, YES!, Im yours, Im only yours." I groaned fustrated with pleading eyes.

He smirked cockily before he took me in his mouth.

In an instant, I screamed.

"Ooooo, O-oh-oh g-god." I moaned scrunching my face. I never knew this would feel so damn good.

FUCK!, Aint no way I was going to last long from the pace he was going.

Chres ran his tongue on the side of my shaft, my hips rising a bit forcing myself deeper into his mouth.

"Chres." I gasped, tears filling my pleasure filled eyes while I gripped onto his curls.

I was at the edge, I knew it, I felt it, guessing Chresanto felt it to cuase he began to go faster.

"UUHHH C-CHRESS!" I gripped harder on his hair while my teeth gritted together, eyes squinted, when finally, I came.

My back arched high off the bench as my hips began to roll out my orgasim.

"Soooo gooood." I whimpered out, my heavy breaths echoing in the room while my back rested back down.

Slowly Chres began to kiss back up my body until he reached all the way up.

"Our confessions Perez." He moved my curls from my sweat covered forehead.

"Confessions in the locker room"......................

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